I mean, Tales of the Slayers and Tales of the Vampires had their points, but really, the only other Buffyverse comic that's knocked it out of the park for me was Fray.
There was also a Jane E. (I think it was Jane) one-off where the Scoobies speculated about what went down season 6 when Buffy went off to let Angel know she was alive that was pretty good, though I think the art was a bit dodgier than this new series.
Sail, the dragon cover isn't photo-realistic(ish), like the Buffy-alone one is. It's much more a "drawn" cover. FYI.
That's why I picked the dragon cover, actually -- the semi-photorealism of the other one was jarring.
Squeeeee! It was such a relief to flip through the first few pages and realize yes, it reads like Buffy. The voices, for the first time in years, are right there, sounding like themselves.
Totally. I think I actually squee'ed out loud (which is as dumb as it sounds) whilst reading the first ish because, you know, it's the characters. If that makes sense.
That's why I picked the dragon cover, actually -- the semi-photorealism of the other one was jarring.
I like the Buffy picture better. I went ahead and got the lizard cover, but it didn't really catch me. Buffy and the Scythe? OTP.
You all, I had the exact same reaction when BF brought home the Buffy comic for me on Friday. I too terribly missed Buffy, the verse and everything. (sigh)
Cindy, I'm right there with you regarding comics as a medium. This will take some getting used to. I will do it for Joss. I am not sure I will do it for anyone else. But I'm on board for Serenity and Angel comics by Joss. He might as well just ask me to back up a van of $$.
All the comix stores in KC were out. I am backordered.
And I bought the Fray anthology. Were there only 8 books?
Yes, Erin, there were only 8 in the series. Unfortunately.
I sent Tom out yesterday to fetch the comic for me. SO EXCITED! I devoured it, and then Tom read it, and I think I need to re-read.
This morning, while getting ready for work, I thought to myself "should I bring the Buffy comic in so that I can look at it while reading all the comments on b.org?"
t hugs season 8 tightly
I got my copies today. One of each cover. The comic book store guy was awesome when I walked in like the comics noob that I am. I'd read Cindy's spoilery recap on LJ (which was fab, by the way), and there it was right in front of me - new Buffy.
Mike ('cause we're on a first name basis like that now) said their Wednesday copies sold out immediately, but they'd gotten more in. It looked like they had about ten or so left today. I set up a, well, subscription is how they called it on the form, but pull, I guess. He was very solicitous (in a completely non-annoying way) and carefully explained the deal to the nice, clueless lady; it was kind of adorable.
My favorite parts were the
non-linear self pity and the Xander/Buffy banter about the symbol.
Oh. I guess there's no need for whitefont since it's Monday? Well, just in case. Anyway, happy now. Very happy.