Cindy, I took from the comic that is was Amy in the pit who came up behind the soldier.
So, is her boyfriend the glowy ball she's holding in the last panel? Made me think of Dawn's origins.
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
Cindy, I took from the comic that is was Amy in the pit who came up behind the soldier.
So, is her boyfriend the glowy ball she's holding in the last panel? Made me think of Dawn's origins.
Probably, Jon. Either that or * a cheese ball. *
t Runs screaming with glee through thread left, right, up, down, sideways, diagonal
t *Ahem*
So, what did you guys think?
Also, I sat down this weekend and read all my Astonishings at once.
Taunting taunters! I didn't make it to the comic shop today.
Matilda and I stopped by Amazing Fantasy in the Inner Sunset and picked up two copies, one with each cover. There's a nice little stack still there, so if anyone is having difficulty finding a copy let me know and I can grab one by this weekend.
So satisfying! I've missed this whole world so.
Also, re the line that bothered Cindy, it occurs to me that if Xander is now not only one of Buffy's best friends and Scoobs but her Watcher, they're probably spending twice as much time as they already did talking to each other and I can reasonably easily wank/handwave her having osmosed more of his vocal quirks. It's not a perfect wank, but it feels adequately handwavey for just three words.
Hee, JZ! I had to wank it that way when I was reading it, but I didn't really believe myself.
So, did anyone notice, in the panel where Buffy is discussing the weird symbol with the other Slayers, after they've killed the dragon/dinosaur things -- this is the panel right before we switch to the Army/Initiative POV -- it's a wide-angle, panned-out view of the castle, and in the upper right section of the panel, we see feet and the bottom half of legs (attached to same feet)? Just sort of hovering?
I assumed, based on the black shoes, black pants, and the bottom half of what appears to be a long black coat, that it was Angel. But then I figure I have to be wrong, because (1) Joss, pull a fakeout? No! Surely not! [Though perhaps he's expecting that people will think it's a fakeout and therefore it really IS Angel?] and (2) Vampires can't fly/hover/whatnot. Though maybe he parachuted in, and the parachute got hung up in the trees (the feet/legs ARE dangling in front of some trees), and he's stuck there, just hanging.
Heh. THAT would amuse me immensely. #2, that is.
Anyway, did people notice it, and if not, now that I've pointed it out, go look, and then come back and tell me what you think.
Oh, I noticed that and yeah, it would be very fun if it were Angel particularly since Joss so specifically said that there would be NO Angel due to the Angel comic.
BTW, I want Scooby HQ to be the original Torchwood. In my head, it is.
Teppy, I'm so new to comics that on my first read-through, I had trouble with visual perspective in a couple of panels. That's one of them. I thought they were GIANT feet, and didn't realize they weren't until right now.
I had trouble with perspective in the top panel on that page, too. At first, the slayer who is saying, "I tink ta forcefield was deirs, too," looked giant to me, but I figured that one out on the first read, and then when Dawn actually was GIANT sized, it made me go back and confirm what I'd figured out.
Does anyone else think we're going to have a little
romance with Xander and Uhura Renee?
Edited to actually answer Teppy... * could be Angel. Could be Spike.
Edited to actually answer Teppy...
But it could be a fakeout, too. Or Joss might EXPECT us to think it's a fakeout, and therefore write it as a double-fakeout, which would mean that it IS Angel or Spike. OR it could be a TRIPLE-fakeout....
All of which is making me think....Now, a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given. I am not a great fool, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But you must have known I was not a great fool, you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me!