He did react on s_d previously, IIRC, and established a persona that meant the accusation he got the place shut down wasn't too surprising.
The s_d rules are to post no more than 5 pages (there's comics_daily for people who insist on more, IIRC) to try and stay within fair use, but discussion of the rest of the issue is impossible to avoid.
I don't know how many people read s_d instead of buying, but I do know of a number of people that started buying various issues because of scans in s_d.
The s_d rules are to post no more than 5 pages
Actually, the rule has been no more than half a book, but apparently the mods had been re-working the rules with a lower limit, and they were going to put those new rules up this weekend.
The 5 pages thing is sites like Newsarama, etc., that have previews of issues, which are generally only 5 pages, give or take.
I haven't been a regular in a while, but when I was it was 5 pages. I didn't know it had changed.
Most people still only posted a couple of pages (or just a single panel or two) instead of just under 50% of an issue, but I have seen the occasional post up to the limit.
I don't know how many members scans_daily had, but I sure hope PD has underestimated how effective a pissed-off internet community can be in driving other comics buyers away from his work.
anyone reading the Eureka comic?
anyone reading the Eureka comic?
I didn't know there was one. Did it just start?
Two issues so far, I think. It's done by one of the creators/writers over at Boom.
I remember Colin talking about that. I have a vague memory of him being involved in it creatively, but I can't remember to what extent. How is it?
I may pick that up when next I visit my store. Is anyone else reading Farscape? I liked the first issue.
I should pick up Farscape, since literally half my titles all JUST ENDED (Blue Beetle, Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Birds of Prey). Goddamn, man. I'm down to JLA and Teen Titans and Buffy.
Oh! But Comic-Book Guy turned me on to Incognito, by Ed Brubaker, which is all kinds of noir and fucked-up: [link] I like it a LOT.