AND Warren Ellis' run on Astounishing begins.
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
New Buffy already? Really? Wow, time flies.
I totally feel like I missed an Angel! I'll have to try to get them in order and see.
I totally feel like I missed an Angel! I'll have to try to get them in order and see.
Angel has been coming out fast and furious for some reason. This will be the 5th issue in something like 2 months (by count of days).
Buffy: Well, the dialogue is good, but I'm less sure about the art. The first two-page spread is gorgeous, but there's something off about the way Moline draws the regulars. And something about the way he draws Warren reminds me of Bret Blevins on the New Mutants, which isn't a good bell to ring.
Astounishing: I'm even less sure about the art here. Ellis seems OK with the background, but the only time the characters sounded like themselves was when Storm and Emma were agreeing to bitch each other out. We'll see how he shakes out, though.
LOVED the latest Buffy. My only question is, was that supposed to be Kennedy in New York?
My only question is,
yeah I'm pretty sure it is.
chrismg, I'm with you on AXM. The characters didn't really sound like themselves at all.
I enjoyed Buffy, though Molina's art doesn't seem nearly as crisp as it was for Fray, though I don't know if that's a change in his style, the fault of the inker or colorist or what.
Sounds like it's a good thing I decided I didn't really need to be spending as much money on comics a month as I was and had AXM removed from my pull list after Joss' last issue. (I also removed Angel and Ultimate X-Men. I was on the fence about Angel and then my comic shop goofed and forgot to save an issue for me and I took it as a sign. Ultimate X-Men got the axe because I've been kind of "meh" about it for the last year or so and the Apocolypse storyline was pretty lame.)
So my current pull list is down to Ultimate Spidey, Buffy and Dresden Files now that the Serenity mini wrapped up. I may pick up the trades for Angel: ATF, but it just wasn't grabbing me enough to make it worth buying the monthly anymore, especially after missing an issue.
I really enjoyed the new Buffy, but I thought the art was awful. The faces looked they'd been drawn with a blindfold on for funsies.
Okay, that might have been a little harsh, but still. Didn't like the art one bit.