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I picked up my comic books today, which included the two most recent issues of Angel and the most recent Dresden Files.
Angel is finally starting to get interesting for me. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Whoever said upthread the Murphy looks wrong was right. She looks too harsh. Isn't Murphy mostly described as looking too soft and feminine to be as tough as she is? The female zoologist reminds me of Fred from Angel. I like the storyline and it works really well visually as well as story-wise.
Which was the last Angel? Was it the one with all the in-jokes? Because honestly, I laughed my fool head off at
Gwen using Storm's line.
Hey, we've got new Buffy AND new Angel this week!
AND Warren Ellis' run on Astounishing begins.
already? Really? Wow, time flies.
I totally feel like I missed an Angel! I'll have to try to get them in order and see.
I totally feel like I missed an Angel! I'll have to try to get them in order and see.
Angel has been coming out fast and furious for some reason. This will be the 5th issue in something like 2 months (by count of days).
Buffy: Well, the dialogue is good, but I'm less sure about the art. The first two-page spread is gorgeous, but there's something off about the way Moline draws the regulars. And something about the way he draws
reminds me of Bret Blevins on the New Mutants, which isn't a good bell to ring.
Astounishing: I'm even less sure about the art here. Ellis seems OK with the background, but the only time the characters sounded like themselves was when
and Emma were agreeing to bitch each other out. We'll see how he shakes out, though.
LOVED the latest Buffy. My only question is, was that supposed to be
Kennedy in New York?
My only question is,
yeah I'm pretty sure it is.