There's a bunch of shout outs like that in the series. I'm sure Xander is wearing a Can't Stop The Serenity tshirt or some such at some point.
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
I can't remember that, but I do remember that in one of the issues, one of the Slayers was reading Fray.
in one of the issues, one of the Slayers was reading Fray.
I saw that! I seem to have missed the Serenity shout-outs.
Did you see the Doctor Who shout out?
If I did I forgot about it after.
New Buffy: Wow, now Dracula looks like Johnny Depp.
And poor Xander and poor Xander's possible new girlfriend.
And I read in my comic shops little flyer that there's going to be a Batgirl mini?
So, the latest Angel. Here's what I really enjoyed: Connor, KATE!!!! -- I *so* would not have expected to *enjoy* her being back, but I did -- and the fact that there was that short, cute letter from Mark Lutz. Groo!
Here's what I enjoyed in spite of myself: poor goddamn Wesley. He's almost like Snape, with the whole doomed love shit.
I'm liking how this is going.
New Buffy: Ultimate Drew rhymes with HSQ...
Coincidence? I think not.