"That's the point of comics - they don't have to die, because they're fictional creations," said Grant Morrison, one of the writers behind the comeback.
"We can do anything with them, and we can make them come back and make them defy death," Morrison said. "And that's why people read comics, to get away from the way life works, which is quite cruel and unheroic and ends in death."
At least the original
Ferro Lad
stayed dead.
That is IT! I am creating my own comics universe and with very few exceptions once a motherfucker DIES he stays DEAD!
Unless there are zombies involved, of course.
Seriously, man. Bring back Superboy. Bring back Bart Allen.
MM, I was just thinking the same thing.
5-hour cereal:
In spite of all the B.S. that Morrison is spouting, does anyone else think they're doing this because their Corporate Overlords ordered them to resurrect the character for a movie franchise?
that link doesn't work for me but all I can think of is
Mr. Myxzptlk
or however you sepll that.
I'm still glad I was wrong
Laga, he did turn up in one issue of Countdown.
In spite of all the B.S. that Morrison is spouting, does anyone else think they're doing this because their Corporate Overlords ordered them to resurrect the character for a movie franchise?
That sounds as plausible as anything I can think of(and moreso than GM's justifications).