Seriously, man. Bring back Superboy. Bring back Bart Allen.
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
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Seriously, man. Bring back Superboy. Bring back Bart Allen.
MM, I was just thinking the same thing.
5-hour cereal:
In spite of all the B.S. that Morrison is spouting, does anyone else think they're doing this because their Corporate Overlords ordered them to resurrect the character for a movie franchise?
that link doesn't work for me but all I can think of is Mr. Myxzptlk or however you sepll that.
I'm still glad I was wrong
Laga, he did turn up in one issue of Countdown.
In spite of all the B.S. that Morrison is spouting, does anyone else think they're doing this because their Corporate Overlords ordered them to resurrect the character for a movie franchise?
That sounds as plausible as anything I can think of(and moreso than GM's justifications).
In spite of all the B.S. that Morrison is spouting, does anyone else think they're doing this because their Corporate Overlords ordered them to resurrect the character for a movie franchise?
Hadn't thought of that.
But if so, that's still kind of stupid. Most of the target audience age-range would be more familiar with Wally West, not Barry Allen.
But if so, that's still kind of stupid. Most of the target audience age-range would be more familiar with Wally West, not Barry Allen.
I think in the minds of executives, anything that brings a character a lot of publicity is the only thing that matters. They don't care which Flash as long as it's the one people are talking about.
IOW, if executives thought a campy, Adam West-style Batman would sell more tickets than a Dark Knight, they'd do it in a Gotham minute.