Well, regardless of how it's supposed to be pronounced, I hear it like the beginning of the word satsuma. Now, if I actually met someone named Satsu, I would, of course, pronounce her name however she told me to. Until then, I'm going with the citrus fruit pronunciation that I hear in my noggin.
t natter
Heh. This makes me think of the "how I pronounce your board name" conversations. Those are always fun. A-mitch. Aw, and makes me miss A-myth over here.
t /natter
In every conversation I've had about the current issue I've said, "Satsu... though I hear it's pronounced Saw-tsu."
sumi - but it's closer than mat-sookie, which is what American pronounciation tends to go to.
It hurts because it's true. [link]
It hurts because it's true.
That's also the reason it's funny.
Grodd Haters.
Seriously. How can y'all diss on Grodd?
A super-intelligent telepathic gorilla? Best. Villain. Ever.
And yet, I still love the damn Rogues.
Sorry, there will be no replacing Monsieur Mallah by Gorilla Grodd in my heart for best mentally enhanced non-human primate supervillain. Doom Patrol did the best characterization of him and The Brain that I still remember, even when Gorilla Grodd shows up. The funny thing there are enough mentally enhanced non-human primate supervillains to make that actual category.