I felt the opposite, Matt, in that I really enjoyed
this being played as farce. It's typical of the disaster that is Buffy's love life. She may also look back on this and say, well, better French farce than Greek tragedy or Jacobean revenge, which describe her prior relationships.
edited for misplaced words
::sits with Frank, reads over his shoulder::
I'm with Frank, and frankly (pardon the pun), I've found a lot of the attitudes about sexuality being expressed online as a little backward and naive, especially the ones that begin "I writer Buffy and Faith slash, but ...." I know ... I know ... this board spoils me, and that most other boards where comic books are discussed aren't populated with people who have nuanced and informed ideas about sex (and, in many case, aren't populated by people who've had sex.)
I thought it was AWESOME, personally. For all of those people who were annoyed that
Willow became all the way gay and not bi (I was not one of those people FWIW),
instead of retconning that they've given us
bisexual Buffy.
re: name pronunciation -
IIRC from my one semester of Japanese, sa- is pronounced like saw (without the american dipthong), so the paper is right.
The ABC thing made me @@ and I stopped reading one paragraph in.
dalliance with someone who adores you doesn't necessarily change your sexuality.
I doubt that Buffy thinks
she's bi now.
I totally buy that a
horny person would go to bed with an admirer outside her orientation out of curiosity and a need for comfort
there was also the gratitude factor for Satsu having saved her from the spell.
When I read about the
I think about what
Captain Jack
would say:
"You people and your quaint little categories."
When I read about it I was, like, this is on the news? I'm sorry? Did somebody just stop genocide in Darfur?
I'm with you, Kevin. I just don't understand all the drama.