So, not so much "retcon" as "don't pay any attention to the man behind the curtain".
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
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I'm only reading about it second hand. There's a news article about it here:
t Spoiler Spoiler t /Spoiler
I'm only reading about it second hand. There's a news article about it here:
That's....actually dumber than Superboy-Prime punching a hole in reality.
And I don't say that lightly.
Gosh, and I thought that 'Peter Parker's Clone' was a stupid idea....
I saw the news over at Knut's livejournal. That is some kind of retcon. (Says he whose favorite book (LSH) is on it's fifth universe reboot, while characters from the original universe are traipsing around JSA, JLA, and Action.)
DH was interviewed about it by BBC Radio in Midtown Comics the other day. (Because he was flipping through the issue when they came in looking for sound bites.) He doesn't think they'll use him, though.
[eta: Oops, no they didn't. They were interviewing people about the "Spider-Man teams up with the UN" thing. Totally different Spidey thing.]
Actually, the primary purposes of the retcon was to undo MJ and Peter's marriage. Marvel editorial has been itching to undo that for a while, with the Parker Clone saga being an earlier attempt that went of the rails
It was just that while they were doing that, they decided to tidy some things back up, and sort of reset the character at the iconic ideal...
As for JMS, he didn't like the mechanism they used to do it, thought of it as sloppy writing. He debated taking his name off it, was convinced not to but had editorial share writing credit for it.
Buffy #10:
Parker reference!
On the other hand, the whole Kennedy thing brought my suspension of disbelief crashing to the ground
Ef explaining what I'm talking about.
You know I was so glad for that tiny scintilla of info we finally got about the thricewise I was able to forgive the rest of the book for making no sense whatsoever.
I adored all the interaction between Xander and still-giant!Dawn and really loved the "Anywhere But Here" parts, because a well-done throwback to the show always makes me happy.
But the whole part about Bad Things We've Done -- the hell? So, did I read it correctly that Buffy and the Slayer army robbed some sort of vault to fund the Slayer army?
That's so whack-ass out of character that I don't even know where to start. I have a HUGE problem with that.