I love cover 2 except for the unfortunate appearance of cleavage and that weird squiggle that looks like a dangling cigarette on Xander.
The subject matter of the Serenity cover makes my heart flutter, but the actual art makes me cringe away squealing "My eyes! My eyes! The ugly burns, it burns!"
I agree - about cover 2. And weirdly Buffy has no cleavage.
Xander got Buffy's cleavage
I think the wolves are steamy
The Serenity cover is like an experiment in lightboxing gone terribly terribly wrong. Hide the children.
Time's top 10 graphic novels of 2007. Yay for Achewood getting some attention!
Soft Cover graphic novel of the Supernatural comics is coming out in April. I think this should be the one with the corrections.
I read that as "Soft Core graphic novel".