I still hate Cyclops. Can't make me not.
I was right there with you until this last issue. The "What else have you been lying about moment?!??!?" was just to hard to resist.
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
I still hate Cyclops. Can't make me not.
I was right there with you until this last issue. The "What else have you been lying about moment?!??!?" was just to hard to resist.
I picked up comics yesterday only to discover that Angel comes out today! (I thought it was next week.)
I agree that Buffy's reaction to Faith seemed a bit over the top. Why assume that Faith is being nefarious? Why wouldn't she think that the people who brought her there also brought Faith?
Haven't read Astounishing, SPN or Runaways yet. Has there been a huge gap in Runaways? I feel really out of th loop with them. (Shall have to check my piles of comics tonight to see if I have the other Joss issues.)
I picked up comics yesterday only to discover that Angel comes out today!
Huh. I swear it wasn't on the list I looked at yesterday, but it is today.
I'm somewhat trepiditious about the Angel comic because (1) I thought the ending to Angel was perfect as is and (A) Joss is only on it in a supervisory aspect (I'm not sure which worries me more). I mean, I DO want to know what happened after the series ended, but if it sucks, I'd rather not know.
I still hate Cyclops. Can't make me not.
I'll admit to a certain Cyclops love, but it's so very rare that he's handled right.
And how can I resist two full pages of mass destruction?
Victor is me, and has been since the Simonson/Simonson X-Factor.
....that came out wrong.
ANGEL: After the fall.
Hate the artwork. Haven't decided about the storyline yet, but I'll keep buying.
Question to those who read it: That was supposed to be Gunn vamped out at the end, right?
Also, who's the her in "they killed her" that made Angel decide to take on W&H? Fred? Because I thought that was whatshisnames own little side thing, not a W&H initiative.
I'm skimming all the Buffy talk because I want to know when they're to be compiled into graphic novels.Yeah I've decided to wait until they put Buffy and Angel in trade paper back.
I need to finish my Whedon's Astonishing Xmen TPB collection.
Frankenbuddha: Yeah, the art's pretty irritating. As for the Gunn=Vamp thing, yeah, that's what it looked like to me, which raises some questions about that other Angel post-S5 series that came out a while back, with a one-eyed and mortal Gunn. Vamp!Gunn has a scar on the same eye, though. I dunno what that's about.
And the other thing, yeah, I think Fred's what he was talking about. I dunno how he got the Senior Partners being at fault for that, other than their hiring practices.
Article on Gail Simone in the NYT.
With the publication of issue No. 14 of Wonder Woman, which hit stores two weeks ago, Ms. Simone has become the regular writer of that amazing Amazon’s super-adventures, published by DC Comics. She is the first woman to serve as “ongoing writer” (to use the industry’s term) in the character’s 66-year history.
Yeah I was sooo upset I missed Angel's release date! arghh! by the time I went to the shop they sold out. I'm going today though. BTW:
"I agree that Buffy's reaction to Faith seemed a bit over the top. Why assume that Faith is being nefarious? Why wouldn't she think that the people who brought her there also brought Faith?"
Sumi, I couldn't agree with you more. But boy isn't Giles going to get an earfull!! I can't wait for December's issue. I heard that in while that Drew Goddard is going to write after Joss does a few. How cool is that??