Yeah I was sooo upset I missed Angel's release date! arghh! by the time I went to the shop they sold out. I'm going today though. BTW:
"I agree that Buffy's reaction to Faith seemed a bit over the top. Why assume that Faith is being nefarious? Why wouldn't she think that the people who brought her there also brought Faith?"
Sumi, I couldn't agree with you more. But boy isn't Giles going to get an earfull!! I can't wait for December's issue. I heard that in while that Drew Goddard is going to write after Joss does a few. How cool is that??
Really? That's great.
I need to go pick up my Angel.
I'm thinking of picking up Batman and the Outsiders. Is anyone reading this? Is it good?
No I haven't. But if you want to read something really twisted but yet cool, def read Gerard Way's Umbrella Academy. I just picked some issues up and I'm hooked!!
Hey Buffistas: Unless I'm mistaken the above post is by someone I know personally. isis: meet the Buffistas. Buffistas: this is isis. We recoginzed each other almost immediately as fellow Whedon fans when we met at work back in February. Good to see you decloak, isis.
Darn You Laga!! It was supposed to be an ifiltration! Heh he! Thank you for the intro and thanks for the hearty welcome guys!!
ooops forgot the h in the second heh.
Hi there, isis!
But if you want to read something really twisted but yet cool, def read Gerard Way's Umbrella Academy. I just picked some issues up and I'm hooked!!
Yes. People, go read this. I am not saying this just because of my fondness for MCR. Gerard Way can actually write.
Tell me about it. He blindsided me into making me think he was a pretty boy lead singer. He has actually a very colorful imagination
Welcome Isis.
I will check out Umbrella academy when I go pick up comics tomorrow.