Astounishing: Huh. Joss actually made me like Scott. That "What else are you lying about?!?" ZZZZAP!!!! moment was made of awsome.
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
Frankenbuddha, wasn't it? (Awesome, I mean.) Almost as good as when, many issues back, Colossus was back and Wolverine said "I got just two words for you, buddy," and then the following 2-page spread was Wolverine launched through the air.
And Kitty makes me laugh. Or, I should say, people's reactions to Kitty.
And Kitty makes me laugh. Or, I should say, people's reactions to Kitty.
Both, I think. Her and Emma definitely have a Willow & Cordelia thing going.
Also hilarious? "Have you looked the word "superhero" up? Like, Googled it or something?" and "Records indicate you might not mind a little discomfort in his case."
And Kitty makes me laugh. Or, I should say, people's reactions to Kitty.
Both, I think. Her and Emma definitely have a Willow & Cordelia thing going.
Totally. Though my biggest snerk moment was when Scott said, about Kitty, "I'd better go before Kitty tries to act again." Too funny. t edit And Colossus saying (thinking) "Is not courtroom drama, Katya." ::snerk::
Crap. Now I've got to go actually read my Astounshing, don't I?
Buffy: I didn't care much for Buffy being so quick to jump to conclusions about Faith, I saw it as being slightly OOC. Not that Buffy can't jump to conclusions, just that I saw season seven as doing much to repair the relationship between the two. Particularly after the Scythe was rescued and the fight in the Hellmouth. OTOH, it appears that Faith/Buffy interaction since season seven has been virtually nil, so it would be easy to fall back into old thought patterns. Plus, more or less told from Faith's POV, which we know from her internal monologue still struggles with her own perceptions of herself and can anyone say "transference?" Not at all happy with Giles. I want a Buffy/Giles smackdown, badly.
Another Astounishing snerk - I almost want to take the following as my tagline: You didn't just call me Sweetie.
Sail, oddly I find the regression on Buffy's part less hard to understand than Faith's. I REALLY thought Faith had got past this in Orpheus - her later issues with Buffy were far more Buffy's than Faith's. Hell - I think from the time Wesley came to her for help, she had purged several large demons she had in her head. Which on one level makes me extremely bitter that EVERYONE in the Slayer community had given up on Angel's group circa Angel series five, but that may just be me. Communication people! It's a useful tool. Also, I think Faith would have been a good addition to the Angel contingent season five, but I suspect there were meta reasons that didn't happen.
Is it wrong that I now hear Peter Rasputin's lines in my head with David Nykl's voice ?
Matt, in my head Peter's voice is a lot deeper than Zelenka's.
Unfortunately, I gotta agree with you, Frank, even though I don't want to. Buffy's my gal! I don't like to think of her as so petty-minded, even though I know she can be. Sigh. I'm all for bringing the funny back with the mangled language and the shallow fashion details, but I don't want to see her regress emotionally to high school. It's blowed up, again!