This is always the time of year I look back and think of all the things I'm thankful for. Topping the list is this board. More than a few of you remember when I delurked, so I don't think I have to go there again.
I've traveled because of you guys, and gotten to meet many of you. I wasn't at my best last time I hit SF, but I never thought I'd have the opportunity to visit SF once in my life, much less twice. It was a lovely gift, and the memories of you all there are precious. When I couldn't travel some of you have come to me and I treasure those memories as well.
I've gotten very close to many of you, so close that my children think of you as aunts and uncles (or, in the case of one of you in particular, fairy gothmother) and have been spoiled a little more rotten, and everyone in the family looks forward to news from you all. You've held my hand through the ups and downs, like Aidan being albino, not just albino but autistic, and Kara's not just smart but a little scary too. I've also had the opportunity to celebrate some births with you, and hope that I'm considered an honorary auntie to those children as well. I've celebrated Mac with Msbelle--even going so far as to subscribe to natter so I don't miss any news.
We're in our very own home this year, and that, too, is due in part to the buffistas. You helped us with our down payment, and with what you gave, and what we could scrape together, and a little help from family, we were able to pay for inspections, and closing costs, and all that stuff that has to be done before assuming a frightening mortgage and having a home you can paint any color you like. Everyone here in this new house is rooting for Liese and her home, for Jessica and hers, and wooting about nerdholes (and wondering how we can make one of our own).
From all of you I've learned that it's okay to not want to read non-fiction, but that some of it can be interesting (and I can't wait to read about the vampire people in the lobby). I've learned about animals I'd never heard of, and watched the debate around the serial comma, the olive-laden mufaletta, and preferential voting. I've learned that my punctuation or spelling doesn't have to be perfect to get my point across, but it helps. Your fierce intelligence challenges me, and that's a good thing, and many of you read comics, romance novels, sci-fi and fantasy, and that's heavenly.
I've learned I don't have to be ashamed about depression and that finding the right medication is good and not giving up on the doctors is pretty okay too. I've personally discovered fibromyalgia since I joined this board, and fuchs' dystrophy, and psoriatic arthritis and they'd all be a lot scarier if it weren't for the support you've given me. My health has improved a lot since Aidan's birth, and I think that's at least partly due to the encouragement and advice I've been given here.
I've rediscovered the joy of giving, and had the best Christmas ever this year. I was giddy at the opportunity to give to others on this board. It's so much fun, I wish I'd been able to give more.
I bought Christmas cards and lost them; bought stuff to make some gifts and misplaced it; had other things planned but health issues sidelined me. I had a long period this year where I had no words (to quote someone else) and though I'd read the board almost every day, I couldn't find anything to say. Even then, though, I sent the vibes. I know how much good they can do.
I'm getting awfully sappy here. I just want you to know that I appreciate you all and that I wish for all good things for you in the coming year.