Goodbye Gus.
This is a sucky way to end the year.
Here's a toast to one of the funniest Buffistas ever. Here's to ya, Gus.
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2006? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
Goodbye Gus.
This is a sucky way to end the year.
Here's a toast to one of the funniest Buffistas ever. Here's to ya, Gus.
Goodbye to Gus, one of the wittiest, bitterest, most well-informed of us all.
Bye Gus.
I finally found it and now I'll probably remember it. I delurked on Christmas Day of 2002. Just had a postiversary and didn't even realize it.
Happy New Year, all. May 2007 bring more joy than sorrow for everyone.
Oh, Gus. In honor of your Irish self, let me just say:
May the road rise up to meet you;
May the wind be always at your back;
And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're gone.
The "Freedom Fries" song, and making his colleagues sing it in the bar, and posting from the bar.
His trip to Switzerland, which is where (IIRC) he met Kimi.
His fierce parental pride of Seamus.
Ah, Gus, our weremonkey. Dr. Guy Straley, I'm immeasurably blessed to have known you. Requiesat in Pace.
What a sad end to the year. Goodbye Gus. Blessings and peace to Kimi and Seamus.
Fuck. What a way to start a new year, finding out about Gus. But I guess I'll blame that on 2006. Damn you, 2006!
Mine was pretty good. Didn't do quite as much as I'd hoped, in some ways (no travel off the NA continent, didn't apply to grad school, etc), but things keep on keepin' on, for me. Good times seeing lots of you, and hopes to see more of some of you in 2007. Hopes to get my act together a bit, too, and do some of hte things I didn't get around to this year. And continue some of the good things.
USPS is on my list. They promised me delivery last Thursday or Friday. Wah. I really hope they make it today for my dear Santee.
Hate to deliver bad news, Laura:
Federal agencies will honor the memory of former President Ford
WASHINGTON, DC – There will be no regular mail delivery or retail services at Post Offices on Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2007, as the Postal Service is closing to observe the national day of mourning for President Gerald R. Ford. The decision follows an Executive Order issued by President Bush that independent federal agencies close as a mark of respect for the former president who died Dec. 26. Express Mail deliveries will be made on Jan. 2. Regular retail and delivery service will resume Wednesday, Jan. 3.
eta: then I should be able to go home and not work, right?