Happy Cephalopodmas Everyone!!!
But it's only Cephalopodmas Eve. You're not one of those heretics who opens presents on Cephalopodmas Eve instead of on the actual day, are you? Tsk.
I'm home. And tomorrow I dont have to go to work, and a planned happy hour thingy got postponed to next week, which means my quest for a toy catapult can wait till after Xmas, and since I don't have to go shopping tomorrow I can finish cleaning then, so I don't have to clean tonight...
Daisy Jane! I need to tell you: as of today, Mrs. Industries has a job offer here in Austin that seems fairly decent, and I think we're going to stay put for the time being.
Damn! I mean, I'm sure it's good for y'all getting to stay put, but it woulda been cool.
I'm home, too! And off til Wednesday! Yay!
hornymanatee.com Hot manatee-on-manatee action.
Actually, this started out as a Conan O'Brian sketch. Then NBC decided they'd better buy the domain before the sketch aired (to prevent someone esle from buying it and putting bad stuff on it).
So, it's pictures of people in manatee costumes. One shows a manatee on a bed, licking a lollypop. Heh.
If Edwards has a lady problem.
? I hadn't heard this. I don't like him particularly, but that didn't factor into it.
As far as supporting my gimlet goes, you can google vodka gimlet and 8 or 9 of 10 results will have Rose's, and other results will have simple syrup.
Pshaw. Whatever happened to elitism?
In other YouTube news, not only does NBC have the uncensored Dick in a Box up, they also have Homelessville, which was hilarious.
Edit, because I swear to god, I could watch Dick in a Box over and over again and laugh out loud EVERY TIME.
If Edwards has a lady problem
Bon Bon said this up thread. A quick google yields nothing, but I may be using wrong key words.