Now I'd vote for either Gin or Vodka. I'm easy that way.
Come out to SF again and I'll take you to the Orbit Room, Laura.
As far as I understand the issue with shaking v. stirring. Shaking will get it colder (and give you little ice chips) but be slightly more diluted. Also it can make the drink more cloudy instead of perfectly clear depending on the ingredients.
"Bruising" is, I think, just oxygenating the gin. Some people think it gives the gin too much bite. But at least with wine, you want to let it breathe and get the oxygenation.
God, if he and Joe Kennedy ever got past sectarian differences they should go bowling. In hell.
I've heard a lot of praise for the Junipero, though not a gin drinker. As far as supporting my gimlet goes, you can google vodka gimlet and 8 or 9 of 10 results will have Rose's, and other results will have simple syrup.
How much is Junipero? I think what I'm going to do for my paras is get them each a bar set from TJ Maxx with a bottle of spirits. One is a gin drinker and I bet the other likes whiskey.
If Edwards has a lady problem.
Umm I missed this. (and am still skipping and skimming.) Is there a rumor?
I don't know whether to be appalled or think he's Presidential.
Hey from Tommy's top 50 cartoons list you can see the great and super-rarely seen Quasi at the Quackadero by Sally Cruickshank from 1975. Check it out!