Lee! Be drunken with me! (It'll take another scotch for me.)
I'm reluctantly pulled into neighborliness. It's taken years. On one hand, I'm very private and kinda hate other people knowing my routines. On the other, it's great to have people to rely on and there is a specialness in watching out for them and delivering. Problem comes when they draw you into their drama. My neighborhood (though largely not my neighbors)is..iffy. Comparatively, I probably make much more than the vast majority around me. By a lot. But I like the long termers.
Me calling cops on fuckheads? Doesn't bug. Getting drawn into family affairs is icky. And then... I get people who bring me a plate of dinner because I looked unhappy when I came home. I'm torn. Hell, one of the reasons I don't move is because of the long-termers in my block.
edit: Strega, thanks. I felt more like an annoyed young upstart, but man...
Seriously, the ability to clearly explain that people are being childish is a valuable skill. I was thinking I should pay you to come down and have an intervention where you could tell my friends to stop being thoughtless, and me to stop being bratty and passive-aggressive.
Lee! Be drunken with me! (It'll take another scotch for me.)
I can do this, though it may take a while for me to catch up.
Maybe I should have a shot of tequila to go with the beer.
Actually, that sounds like a really good idea.
Seriously, the ability to clearly explain that people are being childish is a valuable skill. I was thinking I should pay you to come down and have an intervention where you could tell my friends to stop being thoughtless, and me to stop being bratty and passive-aggressive.
I work a helpdesk frequented by prima donnas. While in that capacity, I am so much more diplomatic, I suspect it saps my ability to deal with juvenile behavior. No tolerance for it. Plus, I really hate getting embroiled in conflict. I'm really really averse to it. What got me coherent was not wanting a 67 year old woman, with a history of heart attacks, spending the night on the freaking stairwell. WTF was her sister thinking!?
WTF was her sister thinking!?
"If I outlive her, I get Grandma's silver!"
"If I outlive her, I get Grandma's silver!"
I was thinking, "I may never have to share the bathroom again!'
Oh, you guys, I went to the worst party tonight...
Oh, you guys, I went to the worst party tonight...
Did they kill a caterer just to watch him die?
Wait, that wouldn't make it the worst party, that would be hi-larious.
Did they kill good conversation just to watch it die?
Trying to figure out how to worstify a party.
If horrible things happened and they didn't involve people you knew, that would probably be entertaining.
So I'm guessing it was boring andd the food was bad.