Seriously, the ability to clearly explain that people are being childish is a valuable skill. I was thinking I should pay you to come down and have an intervention where you could tell my friends to stop being thoughtless, and me to stop being bratty and passive-aggressive.
I work a helpdesk frequented by prima donnas. While in that capacity, I am so much more diplomatic, I suspect it saps my ability to deal with juvenile behavior. No tolerance for it. Plus, I really hate getting embroiled in conflict. I'm really really averse to it. What got me coherent was not wanting a 67 year old woman, with a history of heart attacks, spending the night on the freaking stairwell. WTF was her sister thinking!?
WTF was her sister thinking!?
"If I outlive her, I get Grandma's silver!"
"If I outlive her, I get Grandma's silver!"
I was thinking, "I may never have to share the bathroom again!'
Oh, you guys, I went to the worst party tonight...
Oh, you guys, I went to the worst party tonight...
Did they kill a caterer just to watch him die?
Wait, that wouldn't make it the worst party, that would be hi-larious.
Did they kill good conversation just to watch it die?
Trying to figure out how to worstify a party.
If horrible things happened and they didn't involve people you knew, that would probably be entertaining.
So I'm guessing it was boring andd the food was bad.
Oh, you guys, I went to the worst party tonight...
Full of nerds and book people?
I know I'm really getting into character when I pronounce "Jake" as "Ha-keh." Dude. She meant Gyllenhaal.
Dude. At lunch today, I introduced myself as "yay-see." En Spanglish. I wasn't even speaking Spanish! And yet? Der.
I hate my computer. It's old, it's cranky, and it takes me two hours to put together a Christmas mix CD (when the CD Creator asked for the next disc, it would reject said disc at least five times before recognizing that, yes, there was the proper disc in the player and it could proceed to read the damn thing). I'm tired, but have to go downstairs and start my laundry (if I wait until the morning, I'll never get it done before I have to start my morning Christmas shopping. Blah.
At least I get to listen to the CD to make sure it works before I give it away tomorrow. I like the blend of music on this disc--Bette Midler singing White Christmas, The Weavers singing a Shalom/Peace on Earth medley followed by a spiritual, then everything from Simon & Garfunkel to the Brian Setzer Orchestra and Mediaeval Baebes to John Denver and the Muppets.