Grrr..... Last week, I updated my Windows Media Player to WMP11, and that dramatically improved the performance of CBS' InnerTube player (though it still did a weird thing -- the first time through, only part 1 of 4 would play, the rest would not. Second time through, only 1 and 2, third time through I got to see part 3, and only on the fourth try did I get part 4. I think the ads they run in between parts are not always coded properly.)
Today, it's getting hung up and having buffer problems again. Feh. CBS needs to get better coders in there for their streaming media player.
Sean, I had that problem with the CBS player when trying to watch the unaired episodes of Smith. I gave up trying.
Yeah. I was so happy that updating WMP seemed to at least solve the hanging/buffering problem, I was willing to overlook the problems loading the next segment.
It's just frustrating to have the problem come back.
Hardly surprising, given (a) legs much stronger than arms and (b) shoes.
Hmm. I'd like to see the raw numbers for that survey. I wonder how many times someone tried to use feet and fucked up--it does introduce more of a balance issue.
Also, are we talking kicks from distance, or stomping on the head of someone we've managed to get on the ground, or what? Unless you fight the whole fight with one weapon, the results are misleading.
If I were to pick, I'd pick elbows--but that assumes the fight has gotten close. I wouldn't come in close just for the opportunity to use them. But once you do? Very good risk:payoff ratio.
Next, they should do a study on what kind of shoe does the most damage.