Why do Americans hate dollar coins? Can someone (preferably a UKer) tell the USians that there is nothing wrong with having a large denomination coin in circulation?
I wonder if having the presidents (or MALES) on the coins will help them catch on better than the Susan B. Anthony or Sacagawea dollars.
DH loved the Sacagawea dollars because when they played poker, they had a quarter limit--with the exception of Sac dollars. They called it a Sac-it-to-me bet.
I resisted the dollar coins at first, but now I love them. The only drawback is that there aren't any wallets that are really perfect for a lot of heavy change.
I love being in Canada and spending loonies and twonies (one and two-dollar coins).
Hec, what was the apparently not!cool thing linked?
Anyone want to help a girl out with the two-word answers linked to cow? I'm drawing a blank, and getting cranky.
Hec, what was the apparently not!cool thing linked?
It was a review of a cat info podcast....
Farm is killing me. You people will pay!
For the second time this year, someone at work is circulating a sympathy card for the death of someone's pet. I totally appreciate the sentiment, and I will be very sad when my cats die. I love kitties, but this is too much, even for me.
Poor cat-hating Hec.
It's not like I
him listen to it. I mean, I could have said, "There's this amazing rare live bootleg Tom Waits recording - it's at the end of this cat podcast. No, you gotta listen to the whole thing or you'll miss it."
How do UKians and Canadians deal with the minorly-intelligent drawback of heavy change instead of dollar bills? Women have purses, but most men I know only keep stuff in their pockets.