I used to think that flirting was this bad, obnoxious thing that men did to women. It's weird - looking back at my younger self I often think, "Where did I come up with
idea?" Like, when I was 17-19 or so, I believed that almost all men were obnoxious jerks, and that all I had to do was be nice and non-jerky and then women would like me.
My current theory is that back then I was just rationalizing my social anxiety.
Some young guys really are Dr. Todd, though.
Thanks for not.
But that doesn't mean you can't try.
I believed that almost all men were obnoxious jerks, and that all I had to do was be nice and non-jerky and then women would like me.
We still do prefer nice and non-jerky. It's just that that's not
you have to do.
I flirt with everyone- old, young, boy, girl, straight, not so- whoever. These days, however, it's never with a purpose. Odd, since I started out so shy I couldn't talk on the phone or even order my own food at McDonalds. I was terrified of talking to people.
Now, come on... it's not Deliveranceshire, you know.
quick and hilarious erika.
Poly flirting is a bit trickier. I don't have that "but she's seeing someone" safe zone since everyong knows I'm poly. I tend to act flirty with everyone and then I find myself having to flat out tell people that it's not actually going to happen between us. I guess you could say I'm a tease.
My misanthropy has valid reasons, yo.
Like, for instance, meeting a lot of the humans.
But seriously, people,
make out first, think later
served me well.
"All girls are teases."
--John Bender
Except for me, but that's how I'm Honorary Guy that my male friends are like "Women!" in front of.
I only flirt with a few. DH claims to flirt with everyone - but I just think he talks to everyone. So maybe my definitionis skewed.
I used to be very prickily about physical boundries. Noe I 've decided that the unlooked for hugs are for the hugger - not for me, the huggy. I'm much easier about them.
Matt and I have know each other since 2nd grade. It took 2 weeks of other people thinking we were dating before we knew we were dating.
quick and safe delivery-ma for B, Aimee.