I believed that almost all men were obnoxious jerks, and that all I had to do was be nice and non-jerky and then women would like me.
We still do prefer nice and non-jerky. It's just that that's not
you have to do.
I flirt with everyone- old, young, boy, girl, straight, not so- whoever. These days, however, it's never with a purpose. Odd, since I started out so shy I couldn't talk on the phone or even order my own food at McDonalds. I was terrified of talking to people.
Now, come on... it's not Deliveranceshire, you know.
quick and hilarious erika.
Poly flirting is a bit trickier. I don't have that "but she's seeing someone" safe zone since everyong knows I'm poly. I tend to act flirty with everyone and then I find myself having to flat out tell people that it's not actually going to happen between us. I guess you could say I'm a tease.
My misanthropy has valid reasons, yo.
Like, for instance, meeting a lot of the humans.
But seriously, people,
make out first, think later
served me well.
"All girls are teases."
--John Bender
Except for me, but that's how I'm Honorary Guy that my male friends are like "Women!" in front of.
I only flirt with a few. DH claims to flirt with everyone - but I just think he talks to everyone. So maybe my definitionis skewed.
I used to be very prickily about physical boundries. Noe I 've decided that the unlooked for hugs are for the hugger - not for me, the huggy. I'm much easier about them.
Matt and I have know each other since 2nd grade. It took 2 weeks of other people thinking we were dating before we knew we were dating.
quick and safe delivery-ma for B, Aimee.
I flirt very hard without intent. I grope and say prurient things and promise to sleep with people in the future and make cow eyes at my krav "husband."
If you asked me to flirt with intent I'd freeze hard. And there's not much you could do to convince me that any of the people that return my flirting have any intent.
I had dinner last night with a bunch of old college friends ... one of whom turns out to be the medical consultant for *House*. He wrote this book: [link] all about how to go from an arcane symptom to a diagnosis you might otherwise have missed.