If it's a health issue, I would think that your landlord would be required to do something about it. And if he/she won't do anything about it, you should contact the Board of Health.
The problem is my landlord isn't their landlord, so I am not sure if she could do anything. Each floor of this house is owned separately and there is no real condo association to speak of. I am going to mention it to my landlord because no smoking is in our rental agreement, so I want them to know that any smoke smell is not from us, but I don't expect anything to be done about it.
The problem is my landlord isn't their landlord, so I am not sure if she could do anything. Each floor of this house is owned separately and there is no real condo association to speak of.
Ah. Board of Health, then. I'm serious.
Ah. Board of Health, then. I'm serious.
I'll talk with TCG about it when he gets home. All of this would be much easier if they would just respect the fact that I am the only one who is allowed to be home all day. I think they work at night, because they're never home in the evenings.
vw, that is
And I'm a cat person. But - BLESS.
JZ - sounds like a pretty good plan to me wrt grandpa-wrangling. Hope it might prove suitable?
Fay, sadly, no. It's a nonstarter because I know (sort of) how he thinks, and a reception that does not involve the presence of his actual granddaughter would be FAKE.
It'll work out; I'm just supremely irritated at the amount of time and energy that's going into managing my dad instead of planning for the actual event.
I'm just supremely irritated at the amount of time and energy that's going into managing my dad instead of planning for the actual event.
We should stop having events. No more birthdays!
{{JZ}} Gah. Good luck. It's a tough thing but I hope you manage to deal with the situation--and give Hec's dad the respect and experience he needs as well as what YOUR new, little family needs. At least get some goggles to keep your pretty eyes from rolling away.
At least get some goggles to keep your pretty eyes from rolling away.
Heh. Costume-party baptism; I'll be going as Mad-Eye Moody.
JZ, is it possible to have a small gathering after the baptism where you can spend time with Hec's dad and let your dad throw the big shindig he wants to have the following week?