sometimes I'm weary of being his keeper
if you both do this for each other , then you are not being a keeper, you're being a partner. I am really good about helping my DH figure out how to respond to people who make him angry. His past response to anger was just to end the relationship instantly, whether in business or personal life. Not laways the healthiest choice. He burns less bridges no and in trying to understand before reacting. This involves me vetting his emails in tense situations before he sends them and also having long conversations about motivations and outcomes. And I mean LONG.
For his part, he is good about encouraging me to stand up for myself and feel good about putting my needs first. This involves pep talks and picking up slack when needed and and sometimes pushing me. I know it can't awlays be fun for him.
We complement each other.
"I'm sorry, I have to step away a moment - my monkey says I'm being an asshole."
This might need to be a tagline.
I know, there should have been a pussy joke in there but I can't often find it.
Wow, we're worse than teenaged boys. They can at least find
Daisy, I'm sorry that you're losing him. I'm glad he had such a full life, and had such a positive impact on so many people. I'm glad you had him for fishing and tea cakes and tree forts. I wish you all peace and gentleness.
Thanks y'all. I'm just a mess. Today's my mom's birthday- so I got to call her and give her happy birthday news. Have a friend's birthday party after work, which I'm just going to go by and drop off the present, say hi and bye so I can go home where I can finally proceed to lose. my. shit.
Doesn't help that I have yet to speak to my father, grandandy's actual son, about any of this. I didn't talk to him Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, when I called him after the hospital or anytime since then. If it weren't for my cousin, I'd feel pretty abandoned.
Daisy, so sorry. Take care of yourself.
{{{{Daisy}}}} I'm so sorry, sweetie.