Poor, poor Legion...
This is so true.
At least you have the hope of watching Heroes. I'm relying on Tuesday verbal recaps. I found an online source, but the footage is too pixellated to tell the people apart (plus it's in French, which is occasionally amusing as you get phrases like "Une pom-pom girl invincible")
Raq, I've got a pseudo-recap up.
Cindy, is it possible the emails are spam? Or a glitch?
No, they were the real deal. On the upside, they seem to be caused by him only knowing how to sending one attachment per email, and having a whole bunch of pictures of his (too big!) kids to send me. I'm relieved he wasn't going around the bend.
I was worried about the boybaby doing the same thing, but so far he just points at it and says "Lights!" The big problem is he helped us decorate it, so he continues to hang things on it: the scotch tape, DVDs, the cat.
Oh, and Cindy, I'm glad it was just pictures. But, jeez! That's a lot of e-mails!
Cindy, link him to flickr or snapfish or photobucket. :)
I'm still dithering over the Christmas tree issue. Owen will probably leave it alone just fine. Olivia on the other hand...I'll probably spend 90% of my time dragging her out from under it. No space outside the baby gates so I may just wait until the weekend of Christmas to do the decorating. Besides the outside lights, that is. It's going to be sunny and in the 60's here this week so I need to get some lights hung up outside while the weather is cooperating.
I don't think we'll do a tree... not even sure about decorations, since we'll be away for a week at Christmas. We ARE making delicious fruit cake though, this weekend, should be ready for us when we return (after a month of brandy spritzing). I wish I could eat this stuff all year round, it is Teh Yum. But that's probably about it as far as festive traditions go this year...
Hmm, I need to price London-Edinburgh flights...
How cheap are those short, UK hoppers, Nora? Are they reasonable? I mean, in case I ever make it back there, I want to do Ireland and Scotland as well as England.
I can dream big.
Waving at the Buffistas from Boise, ID.
There was snow here last night. Slick roads. Roll over accident. Not my shuttle, but the one I almost got on had it happen right in front of them. I got to hear the play by play over the CB in our shuttle. Way to start the trip.
I slept like poo last night. Why are hotel rooms so noisy? Not talking about folks in the rooms near me - just the in room noises. Blarg.
eta - talk about timing. The local news just had a report about the roll over and both passengers came out of it ok.
Well, not so good if you want to fly the Saturday before Xmas. Sigh. We are quite FUCKING FUCKED.