Dear commuter train:
Please be on time, and do not hurtle forward through space to try to make up your lateness because we are JAMMED in the aisles and you are just asking for a frikking lawsuit.
Dear shuttle bus:
Please get it together and add more busses per hour and stop whining to us, the riders about your lack of funding. We don't care. We just want to get to work on time. Also, if your shuttle is JAM packed with 10 minutes to go until the scheduled depart time, please leave immediately, instead of having all of us crowded together, overheated and cranky and not moving any closer to our destination.
Dear elusive independant wealth:
WHY are you not with me? If you were, I wouldn't have to deal with stupid commutes every day.
Dear "Safety Dance" song:
Thank you for cheering me up considerably after the standing and the lurching and the pushing and the shoving and the oh-my-knee-hurts and the glayvin.
Love & kisses,
Belated Happy Birthday, Daisy Jane!
My friend B. cut me loose a few months ago and I'd like to send her a birthday card...
It sounds like Miss Manners needs to address the etiquette of the disputed end-of-friendship. I wonder if divorce procedures apply here.
Happy Belated Birthday, Daisy Jane!
Also, {{DJ}} and {{ND}} for awkward and painful end-of-relationships. BTDT, on both sides, and it's never easy.
This is my natural color, as I’m too lazy and broke to color it right now. I like it. It works.
Ha! And here I was going to say how much I liked the new color! Psyched me right out.
Happy Belated Birthday, DJ!
I'm currently agonizing over this from the other side. My friend B. cut me loose a few months ago and I'd like to send her a birthday card...
eh. send the card. It will cost you $2 and give you peace of mind.
eh. send the card. It will cost you $2 and give you peace of mind.
yeah, I think so. I think "agonizing" was a bit strong to descibe my uncertainty, but I'ma blame it on it being Monday.
Spike's Bitches 34: Agonistas Anonymous
Good luck with your friend too Nora. My thing is, this girl screwed me over without so much as a "Hey, I'm sorry about this, but..." So it's not the kind of thing where you send a card saying, "I miss you!" and my icy heart melts. Break my trust, break the friendship.
I had a bit more to say about that than I thought.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I got jewelry, perfume, tea, a journal, my Powerbook, and a Saints win. Also got very drunk and played basketball in high heeled boots with my lawyer.