Cashmere, I've definitely had sinus problems that hurt my teeth. You know what helped a little bit (beside the shower, etc)? Flossing. Weird. On the other hand, my roommate had recurring sinus infections and it turned out she needed a root canal.
Minor blockage, yeah. His last stress test was only a few months ago so there was only minor blockage. It's just genetic with him, mostly. Except for him needing more cardio exercise--he's doing everything else pretty well. It was an early warning, to be sure and one that he's taken to heart (figuratively and literally). They're putting him on a medication that is supposed to increase his good cholesterol--which appears to be his main problem.
I'm so glad this was one of those helpful, painful episodes, given his genetics.
Cindy! I just watched the Diwali episode. "All right, this isn't Lord of the Rings. " HA HA HA HA HA.
Sunil, wasn't it great? Mindy wrote that episode. And see, I told you it was with love. Those were actually her parents who played her parents. I thought of you, the entire time.
(And she looked so beautiful all done up in her sari, etc., better than she looks, Westernized).
Sunil, wasn't it great?
It was my culture! ON THE TEEVEE! I also fucking loved that Kelly didn't actually know the origins of Diwali, because...that's so true. One of my friends thought the episode was lame and boring, and I could kind of see why she might have thought that since it wasn't laugh-out-loud funny most of the time, but I didn't care because of the whole culture thing.
Michael tried to eat a samosa with a FORK. And he thought it was a S'MORE.
(And she looked so beautiful all done up in her sari, etc., better than she looks, Westernized).
Yeah, I agree.
The goddess of destruction, Kali
Came down to celebrate Diwali
great, now my nose is running and my teeth hurt. Thanks you guys.
The power of suggestion is amazing, isn't it.
Cashmere, that is horrible. I've lived with sinus infections all my life. Do you want tips for pain control, to get him through until he sees the doctor? Cause there is stuff that helps, but maybe your DH already has been through the standard checklist.
Cause there is stuff that helps, but maybe your DH already has been through the standard checklist.
He's been taking various sinus meds. That with steam seems to help in the short term.
OK - so he can sleep through the night OK with what he's already doing?
Other tricks: as many pillows as he can take to keep his head higher - gives the sinus somewhere to drain. Sleep with wet cloth on forehead - helps lower inflammation. Wash out sinuses with salt water.
Dear Libkitty's mother, re:
She continues that fortunately I lucked into good friends and a good church and a good job
Having met your daughter, I can assure you, luck has very little to do with it. Try kindness, smarts, and talent, all of which she has in spades.
A Friend of Libkitty's.
Has anyone else here had sinus problems that seem to affect the teeth?
Remember that sinus headaches can also be migraines. And migraines can affect the teeth.