I just realized today how freaking lucky I am to have the OB/GYN that I do. And I just picked her randomly out of the health insurance Big Book O' Providers 12 years ago.
First of all, just in talking to friends, family, etc., it seems there are way more OB/GYNs than I realized who won't give you (I always want to say "install") an IUD if you haven't had children yet. It doesn't make sense to me why they won't -- yes, I know the actual *physiological* reason, but it seems to me that if the patient says she understands that the IUD might try to escape, then why should the OB/GYN give a damn? But, like I said, I know a LOT of women whose OB/GYNs say they have a "policy" of not installing them in women who haven't had kids yet.
*My* OB/GYN, not so much. All she asked me was if I needed information about the 2 different types, and told me I needed to wait until I was on my period to have it installed (yeah, I'm sticking with that verb), and booyah -- IUD.
Even more significant, though, is that she and her partners all prescribe emergency contraception, even on the weekends.
I don't know if any of you are familiar with the blogger Biting Beaver, but she lives in rural Ohio (not specified where, exactly, for her privacy), and couldn't get EC one weekend after the condom broke. Her own OB/GYN wouldn't prescribe it, and every emergency room she went to (I want to say it was 5-7 hospitals) told her that the doctor wouldn't prescribe it unless she had been raped or was married. (I know -- WTF?!?!?, right?) Really scary shit.
All of which makes me really grateful that I lucked into an OB/GYN who actually views women as, you know, HUMAN BEINGS, and cares for their health, instead of shirking their duties under the guise of imposing their morals on the patient.
[Note: I am not pregnant, nor did I have a condom failure incident. I've just been trying to get the IUD appointment scheduled all day, and it just made me realize, like I said above, how damn lucky I am.]
A friend of mine goes to Planned Parenthood, because they don't ask questions about Plan B.
Even more significant, though, is that she and her partners all prescribe emergency contraception, even on the weekends.
Oh, I meant to mention that I saw yesterday that drugstore.com has Plan B available, so if you think the issue might arise, it's probably not the worst idea to just order and have it on hand.
All of which makes me really grateful that I lucked into an OB/GYN who actually views women as, you know, HUMAN BEINGS, and cares for their health, instead of shirking their duties under the guise of imposing their morals on the patient.
Damn straight.
connie, I liked that part and also started cracking up when Brennan asked
"What'd you ask for?" when Booth finished praying.
Too funny.
I'm a little cranky today about getting in super early this morning only to realize that I have meetings until 5pm. So very wrong.
I saw yesterday that drugstore.com has Plan B available
t edit
Damn, no shit. I tell you what, I'ma give drugstore.com all my business in the future.
So...today I have:
Done the usual get Emeline and Aimee ready for their day stuff
Paid bills
Sent a resume for post-production work to G4 and a copy of my regular resume to another friend for them to pass on to their agency.
Begun washing a massive pile of dishes. (Dishes, by the way, have some sort of cloaking ability...you look at the sink and say "That's not so much, I can do that no prob." Then you dig them out and they erupt in force from the sink in a tidal wave of filth and crockery crying "GOTCHA, SUCKAH! YOU WILL WASH FOR ALL ETERNITY! FEAR OUR CAKED ON EGG RESIDUE! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!")
Become a Champion at Capture the Flag in Unreal Tournament! CHAMPION! KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!
Happy Birthday, sumi!
(Adds "wished sumi happy b-day" to list of Things Accomplished: Day Four of Unemployment)
I feel useful.
You also emailed that picture of me to me so I could look at myself and, "Damn. My tits are huge." all day.
Very useful!
If he were
useful we could all see Aimee's tits.
You also emailed that picture of me to me so I could look at myself and, "Damn. My tits are huge." all day.
Yes, and I keep pulling that picture up, smiling and saying "Damn. Her tits are huge!" All day.
Very useful!
Um, sure..."useful".