msbelle, I am a pack. rat. when it comes to bills. I even keep all my receipts and attach them to the credit card bills. I've actually been working on sorting old bills this weekend. Gods, what a lot of paper.
I know that they say to keep tax information for seven years, and that was the thumbnail I was following. I'm just getting to the point where I could be getting rid of seven-year-old stuff, hence the sorting.
I keep bills and stuff erratically.
I keep bills religiously, and once every few years I go through my files and throw out stuff.
I've been keeping a full year on bills.
I already keep all my tax stuff, but I am thinking with as much electronic billing as there is, that maybe only 1-2 months of bills would be ok.
I keep bills, filed when I get around to it. Since I pay taxes as a landlady, it's to my benefit to be able to account (and prove) that I've spent money on utilities. But even if I wasn't, I'd probably try to hang on to them, though now that I'm better about keeping track of stuff in Quicken, I have a good idea of how my historical expenses have run.
We shred our paid credit card bills every two or three months--once they're paid and we match reciepts. With all of them, we can order back statements online, if we need them.
Happy Birthday Jess!!!!
hivemind question - do people keep bills for credit cards, electricity, phone, etc. once paid? if so, for how long?
I generally keep them for a year. Now, I wish I kept them for longer, since I am very suspicious about the amount of propane the gas company says I am using for my stove. If I still had my bills from NY, I could easily compare. I know I'm
more, which doesn't make sense at all given that it was the delivery charge that made the bill high in NY.
Happy birthday Jessica!
and nope I don't keep them , but then again I shred them after 3 months ( okay so I have much more than that to shred right now...
I keep them, and I'm getting annoyed with how much space they take up, but I don't have a shredder, and I don't want to just toss bills. We should get a shredder soon.
Speaking of, do people keep bank statements, and if so, for how long?