Happy Birthday Jess!
ION, Feingold will not seek ‘08 nod
It's a shame — I like him more than any other potential candidate except Obama. But the whole"having his head screwed on straight" thing does make his reasons for not running hard to argue against.
Headline in the Chicago Trib:
General in Iraq: `Succeed we will'
Um... we have Yoda as our general?
"Not enough troops had I. Hearts and minds we have lost. Stay the course we must not."
I am finally getting sround to being productive today. 2 rooms vaccuumed, now on to rooms 3 and 4.
Happy Birthday Jessica!
Back to homework battles. blah
Anybody watching Ice T's Rap School? It's the bomb, I tell you what. He just had this group of prep school kids remaking Straight Out of Compton as Straight Out of Prep School. They had never heard the original, but they still tore it up. Good times.
Is there anything better than realizing that it is Sunday, instead of Monday, so it is okay to go back to sleep?
I think not, at least when you have a cold.
Happy birthday Jess! I hope it's turtletastic, or possibly turtleriffic.
We've got Kristin and Emily coming over for waffles at noon. Sweet!
hivemind question - do people keep bills for credit cards, electricity, phone, etc. once paid? if so, for how long?
Happy Birthday, Jessica!
Y'all have fun with Emily and Kristin, Hecubus!