OMG why is my boss so crazy? Argh.
Latest tricks: #1: Insisting that because she didn't respond to the CEO's email scheduling a meeting that the meeting was not scheduled. Um, yeah -- if the CEO thinks she has a meeting with you? You have a meeting with her. And #2: Apparently having opposite day when it comes to documents. Document says, essentially, "We still love XYZ." Her response? "Why are we saying we hate XYZ????"
I'm a fan of Chevelles, myself. I saw one in traffic a couple of months ago -- it was orange, and gorgeous.
One of my high school buddies had a Chevelle. Oh man, we loved that car. Good memories.
I'm a fan of the '67 Ford Galaxie 500. They've started to become more collectable in recent years.
Pretty black Galaxie: [link]
She also likes to listen to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh every. day.
Holy carp! Someone on another blog quoted Glenn Beck the other day as bloviating about Rick Santorum being "a true thinker" and "the Winston Churchill our generation has been searching for," and my first thought was that this guy must be one of those obscure wacky Far Blogistan outliers the right and left are always digging up and pointing out but whom nobody outside Blogistan actually pays any attention to. I'm boggled (and horrified) that he's an actual radio-show-having capital-P Pundit.
Also, the hell? Your workplace doesn't have rules about what can and can't be listened to? If she worked at my uni, she'd be thumped over the head for her radio habits. The rules here are that you can post political flyers and posters and whatnot in your personal workspace, because other people can always just look away, but anything your coworkers can't ignore without the aid of earplugs is verboten. If it's audible and political -- left, right or any other direction -- you can listen with headphones or you can get smacked down by a supervisor. So generally our workplace radios are all jazz or all classical music (except for the doctor in the office next to mine, who plays lots and lots of Magnetic Fields). Much less hostile and crazymaking.
Another part of "the grownups are in charge" means hearings designed to figure out the best way to do something. Also investigations/oversight designed to find out how to make sure something doesn't happen again, as opposed to trying to score political points.
Man, I hope hope hope, but even if it happens I dread how it's going to be reported and twisted. It's been so frustrating over the past 6 years to hear so many (not all, but way too many) pundits and lawmakers go on and on about how the Democrats have no plans and no policies, when they do so have 'em; they just tend to be wordier and wonkier and less snappy and sound-bitey.
Long pig!
I am a dork. Or I just don't get out much. Walked across campus to mail something. Discover they've closed the post office. In June. Whoops.
Anyway, I can just go to the mailing store after work. And
mail the package. Cause, see, I only have $3 in cash.
One of my high school buddies had a Chevelle.
My grandma had one. That thing was a fucking tank, we were always amazed she could even drive it.
A few months ago, I went to something like six different locations trying to buy stamps, but everyone was out. I ended up buying stamps from an ATM. Oh, this weird, modern world!
Suddenly the Republicans don't trust the machines? The hypocracy never stops.
Well the particular weirdness I was pointing to was the Republican complaining about electronic voting machine failures forcing people to use paper ballots.
And it's beautiful, baby. Want that car soooooo much.
It goes well with her drivers, don't you think?
Juliana, I could totally see you rocking the Impala.