They can also set the Republicans up with popular legislation that will establish a voting record for 2008.
I suspect this is one of the unspoken motives of the "100 Hours" agenda.
maybe trying to set up a program to make sure all kids have health care (that might be a tough one though)
Another part of "the grownups are in charge" means hearings designed to figure out the best way to do something. Also investigations/oversight designed to find out how to make sure something doesn't happen again, as opposed to trying to score political points.
Ed Bradley? No way! He was a cool dude. First to bring the full-on beard and earring to serious network news.
Jericho question: is Super!Skeet's car the same kind as Metallicar?
It's not like Mehlman's sexuality is any great secret in DC--it's pretty out there on the liberal blogs, as well.
Word on the street is that Allen's going to concede at a 3PM news conference today in Alexandria
that's the word I've heard as well...
And then when CNN re-broadcast it, they edited that part out.
So that the old-fashioned people, who don't use YouTube, will have no idea, but the newfangled people, who use YouTube (and would never watch Larry King without prompting), are all in the know.
Weird way to handle knowledge, you know? Kind of a perfect example of the "digital divide."
While I am at it, note to Ken: don't shit where you eat, hon.
Jericho question: is Super!Skeet's car the same kind as Metallicar?
I don't know, but the Metallicar in question is a (4-door) '67 Impala.
I'm reading Salon's Daou Report (it's a summery of various blogs, both from the left and the right) and 2 very interesting things popped out at me:
1) one right wing blogger quoted on the page (from a blog called "Wuzzadem") says:
Stupid Family Values Voters...
What was Middle America thinking?! What on earth possessed them to vote for Blue Dog Democrats (many of who campaigned as openly religious Christians espousing "traditional" American values)? ... Effin' uptight dumbasses! Who needs 'em?!
2) Rush Limbaugh's desperate distancing himself from those Repugs he found "distasteful" (excerpt from his radio show transcript, found here)
There have been a bunch of things going on in Congress, some of this legislation coming out of there that I have just cringed at, and it has been difficult coming in here, trying to make the case for it when the people who are supposedly in favor of it can't even make the case themselves -- and to have to come in here and try to do their jobs. I'm a radio guy! I understand what this program has become in America and I understand the leadership position it has. I was doing what I thought best, but at this point, people who don't deserve to have their water carried, or have themselves explained as they would like to say things but somehow aren't able to, I'm not under that kind of pressure.
t snip
I tried to make it as clear as I can. I'm not going to eat my own, and I'm not going to throw my own overboard, particularly in a campaign, and particularly when the country is at war -- and I'm not going to do it for selfish reasons, and I'm not going to do it to stand out, and I'm not going to do it to be different. I'm not going to do it to draw attention from our enemies. I'm not going to do anything I do so that the Drive-By Media will like me or think that, "Ooooh, Limbaugh has changed! Ooooh, Limbaugh is coming around!" That's not my thinking.
t snip
It has been a challenge to come in here and look at some of the weaknesses and some of the missed opportunities and try to cover for them and make up for them and make sure that the opportunities are not totally lost. But at some point you have to say, "I'm not them, and I can't assume the responsibility for their success. It isn't my job to make them succeed. It isn't my job to make elected Republicans look good if they can't do it themselves. It's not my job to make them understandable and understood if they can't do it themselves -- not in perpetuity, not ad infinitum." So all I can tell you is I feel a little liberated, and I think this is all going to result in a lot of cleansing in a number of areas.
the Metallicar in question is a (4-door) '67 Impala.
And it's beautiful, baby. Want that car soooooo much.