I am a dork. Or I just don't get out much. Walked across campus to mail something. Discover they've closed the post office. In June. Whoops.
Anyway, I can just go to the mailing store after work. And
mail the package. Cause, see, I only have $3 in cash.
One of my high school buddies had a Chevelle.
My grandma had one. That thing was a fucking tank, we were always amazed she could even drive it.
A few months ago, I went to something like six different locations trying to buy stamps, but everyone was out. I ended up buying stamps from an ATM. Oh, this weird, modern world!
Suddenly the Republicans don't trust the machines? The hypocracy never stops.
Well the particular weirdness I was pointing to was the Republican complaining about electronic voting machine failures forcing people to use paper ballots.
And it's beautiful, baby. Want that car soooooo much.
It goes well with her drivers, don't you think?
Juliana, I could totally see you rocking the Impala.
I'm boggled (and horrified) that he's an actual radio-show-having capital-P Pundit.
I file him under A for Asshat. The only thing I caught today was something about "we only care about [something here, not sure] in years that end with 6, so America can go to sleep and worry about it in 2016, but by then it'll be too late!" He's a windbag, though not quite as windy as Rush.
Also, the hell? Your workplace doesn't have rules about what can and can't be listened to?
The thing about my office is.... we're made up of various suites that are actually renovated stores in a dying strip mall. (We're so high class.) So the total occupancy of my suite is six, and I'm the only one that's here on an all-day-every-day basis. I'm probably far more patient about it than some of the office people would be (see above re: terrorists), but they're never here to complain. Pre-election we were in a nice "we just won't talk about politics" space, and hopefully soon things will go back to normal.
I just play music that rocks out and says "fuck" a lot.
I love the Metallicar. And Kowalski's GTO.
There's an unwritten but very well understood rule here--no noise that extends too far from your very-open cubicle. Headphones only if you're listening to music/whatever, and conversations of either the personal or phone variety are to be kept down as much as possible. If you have a boss that's not a fan of other people stopping you from working (like a friend of mine had), you will be told to keep personal visits to a bare minimum.
It's quieter here than your average library.
What was Middle America thinking?! What on earth possessed them to vote for Blue Dog Democrats (many of who campaigned as openly religious Christians espousing "traditional" American values)? ... Effin' uptight dumbasses! Who needs 'em?!
I know! What kind of crazy dumbass votes for someone with Christian/American family values as part of their platform? I mean, they'd have to be crazy to fall for that!
It goes well with her drivers, don't you think?
Watched Shadows again last night - all of the men Not!Crying broke me into eeny teeny pieces.
Juliana, I could totally see you rocking the Impala.
Thank you! Want the Impala so much, even with living in CA/North Beach. Will give Daddy!Truck to Martin.
Apparently watching too much SPN results in the loss of personal pronouns. It's a tradeoff I can live with.
As for music in cubes, most people here use headphones. The only time I hear the radio is when our Communications Group is listening for a new WF ad.