I'm actually getting all teary about that the fact that the Constituion clearly works. I was truly beginning to fear for the seperation of powers.
Also nice to know that my fears about the Dalek Diebold voting machines came to naught this time around. I'm also hoping that all the voting problems that came up will get the whole process seriously overhauled.
I do wonder if some of these voting problems have always occurred; it's just the speed and the content of news concerning elections has changed so that we hear about the problems more than we did even just a decade ago.
I'm a little concerned that Rumsfeld's replacement was the head of the CIA. Although maybe he'll be more focused on intelligence than mass quantities of troops?
Congress has its first Muslim member, and the freepers are freaking out.
I heard a little of the press conference in the car on my way home from lunch, and Bush was asked about the fact that last week, he said Rumsfeld would be around until Bush left the White House.
Bush basically said, "Oh, I wasn't going to make that announcement until after the election, so I had to lie to the reporters, obviously."
Oh man, the craxy variations on craxy, from Kathy's link:
--As I said on a previous thread...I feels as if I am watching 9-11 again on my TV. Watching America be attacked from within and I am helpless watching. America...what have you done?
Yeah, welcome to my world, dittohead. I've been feeling this way since the impeachment.
I think I may just be optimistic enough to change my tagline soon.
Congress has its first Muslim member, and the freepers are freaking out.
Oh my god, they're so crazy. If nothing else, seriously, when was the last time a first-term member of congress had any power to do ANYTHING?
Oh, sometimes they find the good bathroom...
Supposedly Bush is gong to be moving towards the center.
Yeah, right...
he just said that he'd sign the minimum wage bill.
How 'bout that?
I was in the car on my way to lunch when NPR made the announcement. Then watched some of the press conference while I gobbled my sandwich.
blah blah blah
wasn't going to annouce Rumsfeld thing before election and look political
blah blah blah
really looking forward to doing great things the next 2 years with the new leadership
blah blah blah
don't worry Iraq we still will stay the course
blah blah blah
Really, I hope that the dude totally works with the new congress to repair the damage done the last 6 years. I hope he retires with a legacy of non-partisan cooperation.
I'd also be delighted if they impeached his ass.
I'm just in such good humor today. It seems like 50 years ago that I was crying on my couch the morning after. I've waited so long for this day.