Mom just called me at work to let me know Rumsfield stepped down, she wanted to make sure I knew as soon as possible. I love my Mom.
Mr. Jane did this too. I love him.
I think my desire to say "IN YOUR FACE!!!" comes from living in Texas where for the past 4 years I've been a terrorist loving, heathen freak. So yeah, I do at least want to cock an eyebrow at them.
Bob is watching the press conference from home and emailing me about it. He writes, in part:
(Another Daily Show moment: Bush asked, "Do you think I'm crazy? Do you think I've lost all of my sensibilitiies as a result of my hard work on this campaign?" He then LAUGHED LIKE A MANIAC and answered (himself), "maybe.")
Yeah, right... except he just said that he'd sign the minimum wage bill.
But he'll make sure small business is protected from that horror
Motivational poster.
If I didn't already love Aimee...
Joe wants me to order a bunch and send them out.
My friend Leonard mocking James Lileks on the House's first Muslim member. Lileks is in itals.
Mr. Ellison has stated that he is for gay marriage, and I kept waiting for someone to poll the people at his mosque about that. I see many churches in my neighborhoods with rainbow flags, for example, and I’m truly curious how many mosques are gay-friendly. You’d think it would be a story, but it just sort of...doesn’t exist. It’s not that hard: go to the mosques or the coffee shops, say “Keith Ellison is for gay marriage; do you approve?” and print the reaction.
Let's look in some depth at why this is stupid.
1. It is possibly the most irrelevant thing I have ever heard. What possible difference to Keith Ellison's suitability as an elected official does it make whether or not Muslims approve of gay marriage?
2. Why would it be a story how many mosques are gay-friendly? Is it a story how many temples are gay-friendly? (The answer: not that many.) Is it a story how many Catholic churches are gay-friendly? (The anwer: even less.) Is it a story how many Baptist churches are gay-friendly? (The answer: none.)
3. Assuming that this apparent media cover-up of the Muslim gay marriage stance issue were unveiled, and reporters scoured every one of the mosques in St. Paul and reported on the evening news that indeed, the majority of Muslims in Minnesota did not support gay marriage, Lileks would smile smugly and make a 'voila!' gesture with his hands, having proven...what, exactly? That Muslims, like a majority of Americans of all kinds and a vast majority of all religious people everywhere, oppose gay marriage? Who doesn't know that? Or that Keith Ellison, a Muslim, holds opinions at variance with other Muslims? Who cares?
4. In fact, isn't that a GOOD thing? Lileks cowers in fear behind his basement water-sculpture because he's afraid the Islamists will come and impose their vile, backwards religion on America, so shouldn't he support a Muslim candidate who doesn't toe the party line on these matters? Surely he's not admitting that he'd be happier if his own stereotypes where fulfilled and Ellison was up there shouting "Death to America" next to his veiled wife and daughters and his handless ex-shoplifter brother-in-law.
5. Can he possibly be suggesting that Ellison is a hypocrite for holding views at variance to that of most people of his faith? That he's some kind of phony Muslim because he supports gay marriage? Because, man, I got news for you, Jimbo: this sort of thing, it's actually pretty common. Why not do a poll of all the elected southern Baptists in America who are willing to admit that, according to the explicit teachings of their faith, all Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews and agnostics -- and possibly even Catholics and Mormons -- are going to go to Hell where they will burn in fiery torment forever and ever. NOT MANY I BET! Or, here's a fun thing for you to do, with your outrage against the media cover-up of how Muslims don't like gay marriage: go conduct a poll about how many mainstream Catholic churches are officially in favor, thus defying the teachings of their faith and the infallible judgment of the Pope. (I'll save you some time: the answer is "zero".) And yet -- AND YET -- there are a large number of Catholics, some of whom are elected officials, who are in favor of the death penalty! It's a scandal! Someone call the National Review!
6. Besides, even if this did somehow make Ellison a hypocrite, James Lileks wrote a column recently, during the Mark Foley scandal, in which he said that hypocrisy was no big deal, and that there was absolutely nothing surprising or wicked about the fact that some people exhibit behaviors that are at odds with the official teachings of the organizations to which they profess allegiance. So, surely he is not turning right around and making the exact opposite of that argument against a political opponent, because that would make him a giant asshole.
7. Or...or...and I (continued...)
I just left my roommate a voicemail re: Rumsfeld because I think she's in class right now.
But he'll make sure small business is protected from that horror
Oh. Well that's less fun.
And I've got two words for the Pundit discussion:
Keith Olbermann.
He pretty much always sets a high standard.
(Okay, maybe not when he showed a snake charmer kissing a python and said "Look, more Haggard footage...")