I am feeling very happy today, like my counry isn't quite as crazy as it felt.I'm not sure what I want, but I know I'd like to see some positive helpful things ( an actual plan in Iraq that will get people home, a move towards national healthcare , and maybe some better communications between polcie, fire, hospitals, the national guard, etc for times of trouble, both natural and the much rarer man made distaters). dreams.
I'm actually getting all teary about that the fact that the Constituion clearly works. I was truly beginning to fear for the seperation of powers.
Don't make me believe in Democracy again, Trudy. Just don't go there.
honestly, I feel like I can breathe.
Mom just called me at work to let me know Rumsfield stepped down, she wanted to make sure I knew as soon as possible. I love my Mom.
honestly, I feel like I can breathe.
Yeah. I feel like "It's about fucking time." Because I really was hoping the electorate would hold Bush and the Republicans accountable back in '04.
I just called Joe to tell him the Rummy news and his comment was:
The dark empire is slowly crumbling. Frodo made it to the Cracks of Doom after all.
LOVE this.
t bouncebouncebouncebouncebounce
I'm actually getting all teary about that the fact that the Constituion clearly works. I was truly beginning to fear for the seperation of powers.
Also nice to know that my fears about the Dalek Diebold voting machines came to naught this time around. I'm also hoping that all the voting problems that came up will get the whole process seriously overhauled.
I do wonder if some of these voting problems have always occurred; it's just the speed and the content of news concerning elections has changed so that we hear about the problems more than we did even just a decade ago.
I'm a little concerned that Rumsfeld's replacement was the head of the CIA. Although maybe he'll be more focused on intelligence than mass quantities of troops?