It's all part of the gay liberal forced abortion cut and run conspiracy.
You forgot godless.
Hey! Some of us are godful gay liberal forced abortion cut and run conspiracists (who are also by the way obviously rooting for the terrorists to win), thankyewverymuch.
I can't decide whether mommabelle/mamabelle or MACTASTIC is my favorite neologism in the history of EVAR, so I declare them both made of awesome and add billions of congratulations to ms and mac!
The only drawback is that the seem to be really great cat toys
There is one other drawback, that both Playmobil and Lego are composed of eighty billion tiny sharp-edged pieces, and unless you and the child are very careful about collecting all the pieces and putting them away every night, someone is certain to discover a stray tiny sharp-edged piece with the tenderest part of the bottom of the bare foot in the dead of night.
Hey! Some of us are godful gay liberal forced abortion cut and run conspiracists (who are also by the way obviously rooting for the terrorists to win), thankyewverymuch.
Nope you can't be godful and liberal, Ann Coulter wrote a whole book about it.
Not that I know shit about the politics of identity, but my first name belongs only to me. My last name belongs to my family, so I don't mess with that.
My editor begged me to start Safe Harbor with a different word than your first name, ita. It makes his editor brain 'splode.
Ann Coulter wrote a whole book about it
Yeah, but she can't even figure out where she's supposed to vote so who can believe her?
Nope you can't be godful and liberal, Ann Coulter wrote a whole book about it.
Oh, shit. I forgot. That'll teach me to go thinking thoughts without running them by Ann first, or at least to stay politely silent and wait to express them until after the commencement of her trial, when she'll be too occupied with weaseling out of charges to monitor my godlitude.
eta: Ha ha! Coulter-mocking crosspost!
Ha ha! Coulter-mocking crosspost!
Mocking Ann Coulter is like walking by wet cement for me. Too tempting. Too easy.
I'm godful and moderate. Everyone's against me, on all sides clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, and they're closing in, but I have a pitch fork, a torch, and my agenda is, "Everybody shut up and take a nap."
Well, I didn't mean in here, right now. You'll never get to sleep, tonight.
I have a pitch fork, a torch, and my agenda is, "Everybody shut up and take a nap."
I totally want to tag this.
my agenda is, "Everybody shut up and take a nap."
My agenda is "Tax breaks for cats!" Or, um, cat owners. "Socialized veterinary care!" And "Antidiscrimination laws for hairless cats!"
Actually, I think I need a nap....