The minister claimed that it was all a mistake and the police officer had it wrong (or was lying), he wasn't there trying to get sex he was there in a pastoral duty to try and save the lost.
Reminds me of that
article, "Why do these gay men keep sucking my cock?" or WTTE....
Jesse, that's pretty much it by now.
OK, good. I didn't want to misattribute your intentions. The thing that especially blew their minds was the capital letter on her last name, which, who knows why.
So, the allegations that the preacher admitted to are that he bought meth from the prostitute and got a massage [link]
He claims that he never used the meth, that the threw it away. @@
Oh honey, don't. Nobody buys meth out of the blue. The closest this statement could be to the truth is that you were a meth addict or some sort of speed addict (etc.), at some point in the past, even if you "threw" these particular purchases "away" when you bought them from this particular supplier. No 49 year old, squeaky clean preacher says, "Hey, I think I'll try some of that there meth." Come clean. About all of it. You'll feel so much better, after.
I know! He thinks that by admitting to the meth and some "innocent' contact with the prostitute, he can deny the rest of the allegations. He's going to go into rehab soon, mark my words.
Yeah, I think so, too.
Is there like some handbook of public confessions? If there is, I'm thinking it reads:
1) Deny
2) If the allegations refuse to go away, then cop to as little as possible
3) Check into [rehab, therapy, whatever is relevant]
4) Make a public, tearful, "full" confession where you mostly talk about how you were making a cry for help, how important your family is to you, and how you are now so firmly entrenched in your recovery.
5) Write a book
Don't get me wrong. I feel badly for him. Just trying to imagine the level of denial he must have had to maintain, daily, to be as involved with the neo-conservative agenda as he is, blows my mind. You just see this stuff though, and you wish people would be like that politician Jesse was talking about, this morning, "Yep. I did it. My fault."
This is what Rush Limbaugh had to say:
"They're just pouring it on the evangelicals. They're trying to get you to question everything -- everything...up to and INCLUDING GOD!!!!"
Yeah. OK.
That means I don't have to do any more work today, right?
From the "only if you live on a boat" file:
That's all kinds of awesome.
OK, trying to picture cats in lifejackets. Dawn, I think we might need pictures of that. because. Cats. in. lifejackets. (I totally understand taking care of their safety too, and I would do the same. And it would take me awhile to stop laughing. )
They're just pouring it on the evangelicals.
So is "they" the liberal mass media, or the cabal of meth-dealing gay prostitutes who lured this innocent pastor into their evil evil ways?
Funny part is if you image google cats life jacket (vest) most of the images are small dogs. Maybe one cat, but the image is no longer there.
Cats. in. lifejackets
It's too damn funny for words. Usually they tip over a couple of times when they first get them on (which in itself is hysterical) but they get used to them pretty quickly. Sometimes we are mean and just put them on to laugh at 'em. We got a witch Halloween costume for them for the same reason. We are horrible cat parents.
OK, trying to picture cats in lifejackets. Dawn, I think we might need pictures of that. because. Cats. in. lifejackets.
Please! My mental picture is cracking me up.
And good for you making sure they are safe. Just? Cats. In. Lifejackets. It's funny.