Heh. I suppose that's possible. But can I ask why you did that? Is it enthusiasm -- like, "Oh neat! Now I want to know everything there is to know about this as soon as possible!" Because that makes a lot more sense to me than the homework-y thing. I might have done that with B5, actually.
Yes, like Steph said, it was pure enthusiasm that motivated me to do this. I'd caught enough promos and enough Buffy buzz from the atmosphere to think Angel had turned out to be evil (rather than turned) after they'd had sex for the first time, and I knew he was back from hell, and wanted to understand it all.
I feel similarly about BSG, at least so far. I just rebel inside, when other fans tell me (when I'm still only a potential fan) that I have to watch all the shows, in order, from the beginning, before watching the new stuff. Somehow, their obsessive enthusiasm, when pointed at me, feels quite different than the obsessive enthusiasm that bubbles up from inside me. If a fan makes me feel like I "have to" do such and such before I can watch current episodes, I'm much less like to give the show a shot. The only reason I gave in on this point where Veronica Mars was concerned, is that I'd known three of the five people (who insisted I watch from the beginning) for years. Those three had been Bronzers; I'd known them since I first found the internet and fandom, and knew them to be fans I agree with more often than not. And one of them lent me season 1 DVDs, before season 2 got under way.
See, this is one of the many reasons why I love Cindy so much. I did the exact same thing, only it was S4. God bless buffyguide.com.
It was a long time ago, but it seems to me that the first set of summaries I read were not at Buffyguide. It seems to me that a lot of them were written by Bruce Seth Green (a frequent BtVS director, early on), which I only remember, because I remember searching to confirm that Bruce Seth Green was not Seth Green. That was my first bit of BtVS behind-the-scenes trivia I found on my own. The summaries were detailed enough that I knew the main plot points of the episodes, and short enough that I was able to mainline them in a day or two. I can't, for the life of me, find them anywhere. I have no idea where I found them.
Does anyone remember? Is it possible they were at the Bronze?
Also on TV...
Strega, did you watch Jericho, yet?
If you did, I have a question about last night's episode. Why in the world did Mayor Mom and Dr. Wife try so hard to preserve the life of that poor bugger Vincent? I don't know much about radiation sickness, so he came across to me as hopeless from the get go, and maybe my assumption is flawed. I can't understand (from their P.O.V., which was presented as the humanitarian P.O.V.) why they were engaging in anything other than pallative care. It's not like they were presented as trying to get information from him. They were straight out trying to prolong his life.