Why did no one tell me that Nelly Furtado has been possessed by Pink, who is apparently now using her body to record Hall & Oates covers?
I'd have enjoyed that video much more if it had been either more Pink-like or coverlike. As is, Nelly was just whining and twitching her unsexy ass.
I have a dishwasher, and it's important. I don't mind washing dishes, but I'm mighty allergic to drying and putting them away. The dishwasher removes the need to dry, and delays the need to put away.
I'm also allergic to drying the dishes. When I'm some place where we have to handwash dishes, my line is that I wash and God dries.
I do not know what these drying and putting away of dishes are. They just dry while in the drying rack. Then you take them out of the rack and use them again.
They just dry while in the drying rack. Then you take them out of the rack and use them again.
True fact. I've heard tell that some people keep dishes in the cupboards, but I'm not so sure.
I'm also allergic to drying the dishes. When I'm some place where we have to handwash dishes, my line is that I wash and God dries.
You mean people actually dry dishes?
I'm sorry, I never understood the logic behind drying dishes. They're going to dry anyway by themselves, right? It's like waving a shirt around and going all "phoo" on it instead of hanging it to dry by the wind, in my eyes.
When we went to visit my brother, I cooked/washed/dried and put away. At first the washing/drying was sorta novel because I haven't hand-washed dishes since around 1981 (we even have a full size dishwasher on the boat). After about 4 days, I was totally over it though.
I don't mind doing dishes, no big. Very often I'll be washing my cooking dishes out before I sit down to eat.
I have a small apartment with a tiny kitchen. I have to wash as I go, or it gets really ugly really fast. I almost always wash all my cooking dishes before eating.
I just watched Cooking with Feminists on Colbert. Am dead from laughing.
Oh god, that was hysterical with
the "Kiss the Cook" apron and Jane Fonda snogging him multiple times.
I also just about died during the guest segment when he "ran" over
in the red high-heels
and at the end with the
"Mrs. Colbert" sash and the tiara!
I wash as I go on THanksgiving. We have no dishwasher and it just makes things so much easier.