My penmanship is fairly terrible. A large part of it, according to my elementary school teachers, is because I hold my pen the wrong way, but when I try holding it the right way, it's not any better, and I can only write a few words before getting uncomfortable.
We got report card grades on handwriting up until sixth grade. After that, I switched over to printing whenever I could. I can print much more quickly than I can write in cursive.
I saw some guy on Small Space, Big Style who got rid of his stove/oven in NYC. He relies on a toaster oven and a teeny microwave.
I don't know why I'm so shocked. We didn't get a microwave until I was in 8th grade so I know it's possible.
brenda, I think you got those last two links backwards.
I usually write block letters, and yess, it's small caps, but it doesn't usually read as ASSCAPS to me. I think between not being uniform computer font letters, and using bigger caps for the starts of sentences and proper nouns, it helps keep the ASSCAPS effect down.
There are a couple of things I'd like to use it (edit: the microwave, not the handwriting) for, but it's not worth giving up the space.
Oh yeah, handwriting in all caps is totally different.
Mine is a hodgepodge of lower case, upper case, and cursive. But it's legible.
So I was riding a bus to work this morning when I saw a bunch of cop cars in front of a building on Dodge Ave. Then after lunch I drove past the building again - the police cars were still there, there was yellow crime-scene tape and two Police vans marked 'Forensic' on them. It turns out that a four-year-old kid shot himself - he died this afternoon.
eta: [link]
You know, a friend gave me a microwaveable neck thingy, and I think it was filled with buckwheat. I loved that thing. I left it at my parents' house when I went abroad and a few months later when they were moving house, they found it had
become infested with maggots.
No more organic heating devices for me, though I do fantasize about them when my neck hurts. I saw something in Bed Bath that looked like it would do the trick without encouraging life, but was still too scared to buy.
Oh, tommy, that is so sad.