You know, a friend gave me a microwaveable neck thingy, and I think it was filled with buckwheat. I loved that thing. I left it at my parents' house when I went abroad and a few months later when they were moving house, they found it had
become infested with maggots.
No more organic heating devices for me, though I do fantasize about them when my neck hurts. I saw something in Bed Bath that looked like it would do the trick without encouraging life, but was still too scared to buy.
Oh, tommy, that is so sad.
See, I tend to make craploads of food that I then refrigerate or freeze. Without a microwave, they'd be inedible. Or grossly overcooked. I just recently got a toaster oven. Mainly so I could eat TJ's naan. That's pretty much all I've used it for, other than a few toasted cheese sandwiches.
I use my toaster oven way more often than my microwave; but then I didn't have a micro until I was, uh, 33-ish, so I didn't grow up inculcated in its weird ways.
Oof, that is sad.
Speaking of heating devices, I think I have a Thermacare thingy -- would that do me any good for my poor-office-ergonomics neck issues? I did finally request the new computer, or at least monitor, but no word yet.
bon, I don't know if I should ignore your post or run up and check my heating bags for creepy crawlies.
Oh, shit, tommy.
I think krav needs a t-shirt that says "Your groin is open."
I'm okay with not having a microwave. Makes reheating rice and pasta a bit of a chore, but no biggie.
Handwriting with mixed case makes me twitchy. Not entirely clear why.
Good idea for the krav shirt! I'm a fan of "You just got your ass kicked by a girl" myself. Wish I could see that one.
So ita are you a Level 3?
Edited for question.