All these microwaveless! When I moved up here out of college, my furniture consisted of a halogen lamp, a trashcan, a stereo (hey, I stacked books on it!) and a microwave. And countless milkcrates, but those were packing materials.
Sleeping on hardwood sucked for a few days.
How do people survive without a microwave?
I have three microwave bags. One has lavender and is supposed to be good for headaches, but when I have a headache I don't want scent anywhere near me. Mostly I use it to keep my feet warm in bed in the winter.
I just saw The Science of Sleep which was quirky, imaginative, funny and a little sad all at once. It made me nostalgic for something I've never had.
The best therma care patches I've found are the ones made for cramps - you're supposed to attach them to your undies. I use them on my back, though, and they rock. But I love the electric, even if it scares me sometimes.
I was without a microwave for like 10 years. Just bought one in the last 6 months. I've used it a handful of times. To make popcorn.
I don't have a microwave. Well, I didn't, but then someone moving out of my building left theirs in the hallway (which seems to be our general reuse/recycle drop point), so I grabbed it and put it on top of my cupboards, where it has lived undisturbed since I got it. I have no space to put it where it would be useable, and I'm too lazy to get it down when I could possibly need it.
I could really use more cupboards on top of the ones I already have, though. Hmmmm.
How do people survive without a microwave?
I use my toaster oven a lot. Also pans on the actual stove.
If I ever cooked, I mean.
Might be kind of hard to reach that way, but whatever floats your boat.
Hee. Totally want this t-shirt: [link]
Some other good ones:
For ita us:
For most of the rest of us ita: [link]
BSG - don't forget: Baltar the
self-serving; traitorous, yet charming and mad