Okay, is Apollo's last name Adama (is he Edward James Olmos's character's son)?
Yes, Apollo is Lee Adama, son of the Captain.
Helo is the one who
had the baby with Sharon!Cylon, that someone else is raising,
Yes, that's him.
Who is Boomer?
Boomer = Sharon Valeri (sp?)
Who is the one Starbuck had to
leave on (original) Caprica, but then married ?
That's Anders.
I love Icy Hot patches, and Tiger Balm patches. Thermocare is also good, but I've been out of them for a while.
I don't have a microwave, either.
Do your thermacare patches get all weird and crunchy? They don't last very long for me. I'm more entertained dissecting them after. I'm some sort of heatsink (actually....I suspect just plenty of padding to get through before it hits the hurty muscles, which makes them less than ideal.)
My skin is crawling over my back. It's got to be muscular, but holy hell it feels weird. Like having my skin stretched during a backrub but without any contact.
All these microwaveless! When I moved up here out of college, my furniture consisted of a halogen lamp, a trashcan, a stereo (hey, I stacked books on it!) and a microwave. And countless milkcrates, but those were packing materials.
Sleeping on hardwood sucked for a few days.
How do people survive without a microwave?
I have three microwave bags. One has lavender and is supposed to be good for headaches, but when I have a headache I don't want scent anywhere near me. Mostly I use it to keep my feet warm in bed in the winter.
I just saw The Science of Sleep which was quirky, imaginative, funny and a little sad all at once. It made me nostalgic for something I've never had.
The best therma care patches I've found are the ones made for cramps - you're supposed to attach them to your undies. I use them on my back, though, and they rock. But I love the electric, even if it scares me sometimes.
I was without a microwave for like 10 years. Just bought one in the last 6 months. I've used it a handful of times. To make popcorn.
I don't have a microwave. Well, I didn't, but then someone moving out of my building left theirs in the hallway (which seems to be our general reuse/recycle drop point), so I grabbed it and put it on top of my cupboards, where it has lived undisturbed since I got it. I have no space to put it where it would be useable, and I'm too lazy to get it down when I could possibly need it.
I could really use more cupboards on top of the ones I already have, though. Hmmmm.