Weird to think I can hang out at krav as long as I want all evening, come home, watch a bunch of stuff on TiVo without any penalty in the morning. As long as I make my 11:30 optometrist's appointment, it's all good. I can job search after that.
Weird...or wonderful?
I get to go home soon, yay. I stayed late to pump out a memo. ION, jobs for philosophers came out today. Bob is on the market this year. It's weird thinking about moving to Philadelphia...or Birmingham...or West Virginia.
That last one is not going to happen.
I admit I don't want to start work right away, that I can afford to sit around a while. Well, I can afford to sit around a while if I know precisely when I'm going to start work, and can therefore budget instead of hedging my bets.
IT's not looking bad right now, and my recruiter's motivated, and friends are being v. helpful. But I'm so not the gambling type.
In the meanwhile, though, it's fun to visit the world a few of the other instructors inhabit--the ones that get a lot of money for teaching so they don't need day jobs or the personal trainer ones, or the actors, one one chick who's a high school tutor so she has a weird schedule, but summers off.
I envy them everything except the unpredictability. I wish I were better with ebbs and flows. I'm hopelessly conventional that way.
I envy you the morning thing.
And I'm a morning person. It's kinda wasted on me.
Nah, I'll be enjoying the hell out of it while I can. Just because I'm a morning person doesn't mean I actually want to do stuff then. I never want to do stuff, morning or no.
I want to not do stuff too.
Thinks about evening
Heh. Never mind.
ita: I have an idea. You should do the sleeping thing and tell us what crystal-clear clarity is like!
You should do the sleeping thing and tell us what crystal-clear clarity is like!
Ha. If sleeping cures the migraines, I'm in. Otherwise...not so much, with the either pain, memory of pain, or fear of pain. No time for crystal.
You should do the sleeping thing and tell us what crystal-clear clarity is like!
bon bon wins!
Ha. If sleeping cures the migraines, I'm in. Otherwise...not so much, with the either pain, memory of pain, or fear of pain. No time for crystal.
Damn. Well it was worth a try.
In all seriousness, ita, I hope that you get some time to
work before finding the perfect job. It is possible that not being so stressed constantly will help the migraines at least a little bit, right? Either way. I won't hug you (I like my pinky and the rest of me to remain intact), but I am wishing good things your way.
Good luck, ita. Having more or less taken off the summer before coming here, I kind of look back on that time as a much-needed relaxant after four years of crazily-paced work. So maybe scheduling a month for yourself is something good that is just for you, you know? Either way, I have nothing but confidence that things will work out for you.
It's morning, and everyone's in a meeting, and I'm not really sure what I should be doing. It's that weird line between responsibility and only being a temp. I'm not sure which direction to go in.
sconey follow-up:
I just about died laughing at this. Bonus points: mentions Joss!