the project explores the interactions between people who work at a place similar to the Genius Bar at the Apple stores and the cool, hip and beautiful employees at a nearby Abercrombie & Fitch-type store.
I'm pretty sure this what's shown on TV in the yuppie circle of Hell.
Maybe they could get John Hodgman and the guy who plays a Mac to staff it?
Advice we can all use: How To: Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
Remove the neutron trigger. This will be a small disc or ball. Don't eat it – it will be made of polonium or some other highly radioactive material, which initiates the chain reaction.
Separate the U-235 masses. These will be two small but very heavy chunks of metal – an isotope of uranium. If they get too close to one another, the combined critical mass will flood the area with radiation, and you will die. Kept apart, each emits only relatively harmless alpha particles – you could even handle them without gloves if necessary. Put each piece in a separate metal box and call the authorities.
It should be noted that these instructions assume you have a uranium bomb, not a plutonium bomb.
I don't see anything right with the concept either. But I've developed an allergy to A&F, including their employees.
All you October lovers are freaks. It's getting nippy out! I needed a wrap last night.
I do love Ziploc.
eta from tommy's link:
If these tips don't work, give us a call and let us know what we got wrong.
I think not working is a good plan for the day. who's with me?
Soooo very much me, which makes leaving the house really quite hard.
If these tips don't work, give us a call and let us know what we got wrong.
Assuming you're not, you know...all blowed up.
I would be totally with the plan of not working . . .but I'm doing payroll today and I really want to get paid on the 13th. . . you know?
Also *coughmybirthdaycough*
Also mine, I think on the same day, Friday the 13th baby!
"Kip Hawley is an Idiot"
Who is Kip Hawley? I presume he is famous enough in TSA circles to cause consternation, but to me, it was like getting pulled over for having a bumper sticker that says "Jeffrey Smith can eat my shorts." Unless Jeffrey Smith is a highway cop --?