I don't see anything right with the concept either. But I've developed an allergy to A&F, including their employees.
All you October lovers are freaks. It's getting nippy out! I needed a wrap last night.
I do love Ziploc.
eta from tommy's link:
If these tips don't work, give us a call and let us know what we got wrong.
I think not working is a good plan for the day. who's with me?
Soooo very much me, which makes leaving the house really quite hard.
If these tips don't work, give us a call and let us know what we got wrong.
Assuming you're not, you know...all blowed up.
I would be totally with the plan of not working . . .but I'm doing payroll today and I really want to get paid on the 13th. . . you know?
Also *coughmybirthdaycough*
Also mine, I think on the same day, Friday the 13th baby!
"Kip Hawley is an Idiot"
Who is Kip Hawley? I presume he is famous enough in TSA circles to cause consternation, but to me, it was like getting pulled over for having a bumper sticker that says "Jeffrey Smith can eat my shorts." Unless Jeffrey Smith is a highway cop --?
After careful consideration, I would also like to be paid on the 13th. Everyone but sumi can stop working.
I was so full this morning from last night's dinner that I skipped first breakfast. Does that make sense? Being full from a meal that ended at 8pm almost 12 hours later?
Freaky-ass aquatic creature: [link]
This giant deep-sea isopod is an example of an animal that has evolved to a much larger size in deeper water. These isopods are distant relatives of the tiny "pill bugs" found in many gardens. They are also related to small shallow-water isopods that live in tide pools.
Some creationist dude is claiming that this is a trilobite, which somehow proves the earth is only 6000 years old.
Wow. That put a pause in my brekkie.